Monday 8 July 2024


 “Multiple” aliens have told humans there is a barrier around planet Earth that stops them from coming here without permission, a new conspiracy theory has claimed.

For centuries, humans have often wondered what aliens actually like look like, and whether or not there if they are even real. However, without concrete, verified proof, nobody has been able to confirm what they are with 100% certainty.

And this has led the human mind to wander into the weirdest parts of the world of conspiracy theories with the latest one being explored on Reddit.

Pondering the claim, user @Blit_Blitt99 posted multiple sources which he cites as evidence - including how an Irish UFO expert believes orbs discussed in NASA meetings are a “global defence network”.

Also supporting his argument was an extract from the book, Custodians by Delores Cannon which is about UFO abductions and materials from the Law of One, said to be a telepathic conversation with an alien entity.

The thread got some people thinking and many chimed in with their own beliefs.

Cnycompguy wrote: “Yeah, fairly good writing. Surprisingly accurate. We as a species tend to defend our farms as well, so the observation that this planet is protected by a more advanced intelligence is a solid interpretation of what we've been seeing.”

Another user, Thargor33, added: “I believe there’s a barrier, but it’s not a protective barrier to shield us from outside. It’s a quarantine barrier to keep us in.”

Pslind68 said: “One night I was on my bike on my way home. I took a shortcut through a narrow path. I got off my bike because I had to relieve myself. Just as I was about to get on my bike I heard this woosh sound and looked up into several light-coloured spheres flying in a V formation. It startled me. But I told myself it was geese.

“The more I think about it, the less I think it was geese. There was no sound other than the woosh. The whole thing moved as one object. Nothing was out of formation. They had a dull blueish/white glow on the dark blue night sky.”

You can read the thread here.

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