Thursday, 23 June 2022

Taking the State Wherever Found, Striking Into Its History at Any Point, One Sees No Way to Differentiate the Activities of Its Founders, Administrators, and Beneficiaries From Those of a Professional-criminal Class

Today, I feel the need to discuss the insanity that is the new ‘national holiday’ called “Juneteenth.” As an aside, I am not in the least a fan of state declared holidays, but this one defies logic, and is a ridiculous, nonsensical, and agenda-driven ploy meant only to divide people and create victims where few exist. In addition, most all about the subject of slavery is completely misunderstood and unknown, and the notion that only black people have been slaves stands in complete contradiction to the truth.

This is a much deeper subject than I will discuss in this post, but it is imperative for all to understand that slavery did not begin with Africans or end with Africans. Slavery has been entrenched in human culture for thousands of years, long before black slavery began in this country. Also, slavery is not a U.S. or African phenomenon, it has been a world atrocity since the beginning. In addition, who sold the black slaves to the Europeans who delivered them to the Americas and elsewhere? They were not often white, but Africans selling their own into bondage.

Slavery of white people in this country alone was prevalent before black slavery, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. As Thomas Sowell correctly stated in his article, Irresponsible ‘Education’:

“Over all that expanse of time and space, it is very unlikely that most slaves, or most slave owners, were either black or white. Slavery was common among the vast populations in Asia. Slavery was also common among the Polynesians, and the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere enslaved other indigenous peoples before anyone on this side of the Atlantic had ever seen a European.

More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.”

There is also the question concerning the slavery of the Irish in early American, British, North African, and Mediterranean history. This cannot be ignored. The horrors of slavery have existed since the beginning of man, but ask any in this country of the United States, and they have been taught that all slavery begins and ends with black Americans. This notion is asinine. No black people living in this country today have ever been a slave, but had the opportunity to become successful and live as freely as any other in this country. Did racism, bigotry, and cultural hatred exist in the past, and does it exist today? Of course it does, and always has, but it is prevalent among the minority of all races, not just whites against blacks. That is only a cover for splitting people into ethnic groups opposing each other instead of living together in harmony. This is a government plot, not any proper condemnation of some over others, that has been solidified in the minds of the populace by horrendous governments, government schools, and the media.

Concerning Lincoln, slavery, and the Civil War, there are great discrepancies and outright lies that have consumed the public since the mid-19th century. Lincoln did own slaves, was never an abolitionist, and stated emphatically that he would protect slavery in order to ‘save the union.’ The Civil War was not about slavery, nor was slavery the reason for the North’s attack of the South. In Lincoln’s first Inaugural Address, he stated that the only reason he would war against his own country would be over tariffs, not slavery, when he said: “The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere.”

It is also important to understand that the very highly lauded “Emancipation Proclamation” never freed a single slave in the United States, and was never meant to do so. It was simply, a political document meant to keep the British from joining the South against the Union North by falsely indicating that freeing the slaves in southern states was desired by Lincoln. One reading of this document should clarify this fact to any with the ability to read, think, and reason. This document considered only those Lincoln had no right to free, given that the South was no longer a part of the U.S, and slaves in those states and counties controlled by the North, were not to be freed. This was all a fraud.

As to this ‘Juneteenth’ holiday, and the timing of it, it is completely staged and inaccurate. Slavery did not end in this country until December 6th, 1865, not in June, and this was none of Lincoln’s doing. That was the ratification date of the 13th Amendment. Of the states that refused to ratify that amendment, only one was a Southern state, while three were Union states. As stated earlier, slavery was not the impetus for the brutal attack by the Northern states of the Union on the seceding South, so 750,000 Americans died over taxation and federal control over all.

This so-called holiday should be considered a blight on truth, and the equivalent of total dishonesty meant to cause more hatred among men. Slavery is and has always been a barbarous abomination against mankind, regardless of ethnicity, culture, or the color of one’s skin. It is not specific to any race, and certainly is not unique to black people in America. This notion should be destroyed so that mankind can be sympathetic to all without regard for one color or race against another. In other words, all lives matter, and all should remain colorblind, instead of looking for sympathy from today’s living who did nothing to advance the slavery of all peoples in the past.

“Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators, and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.”

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