Thursday, 30 June 2022

The Controllers of Money, Energy, and Food, Will Control the World: Can You Say ‘Covid’ and Ukraine False Flags?

It is best to preface these comments by discussing the fact that the ‘covid’ scam is not over, and has not permanently disappeared. In fact, most of the planks of the ‘covid’ agenda are still in place, even though the lockdowns are temporarily over, most businesses that are left are temporarily open, and mask wearing is for the most part not mandated by every government department and bureaucracy. But what about fake ‘cases,’ what about poisonous bio-weapon injections, what about travel restrictions and bans, what about identification technology, what about tracking, tracing, and testing, and what about rampant inflation due to these and other forms of manipulation?

The ‘covid’ agenda was and is a major part of what is happening in what should be called World War III, but remember that it is just one part of the plot, which in my mind, should be outlined as a war against all people by their own governments instead of a hot war using deadly weaponry against some manufactured enemy state. Therefore, every new claimed threat should be first disbelieved, for getting wound up in any state narrative will necessarily cause a bias against the truth in favor of a preordained outcome set in motion by those attempting to propagandize the crowd. The U.S. and Ukraine collusion called the war on Ukraine by Russia, is a perfect example of this strategy.

Nothing should be viewed as singular or as a unique situation or threat, as all is part of the same agenda driven plan, and all is tied together in the same war against all of us by collaborating nation states. Although each nation is at this time warring against its own citizens, this is a global effort that is not individually structured, but is reacting independently by design, with the top tier of the most powerful controlling the strings of the political class puppets worldwide. The U.S. is certainly at the top of this power pyramid currently, but that could change dramatically as the China model being sought will allow for other players to gain a seat at the table of the masterclass attempting to rule over the new system being built today.

Once this new paradigm is complete, those who control money, energy, and food, will control the world. That is the end game desired, and every piece of the puzzle being fitted into place today, supports the takeover agenda. Nothing is separate, nothing is accidental; all is a cog in the wheel of the planners of this global takeover. It is imperative to understand that this is a war against all of us, and that this war is consumed by lies, deceit, propaganda, psychological manipulation, and trickery. Every new perceived threat is but another illusion meant to divide and distract as many as possible, so that the state’s agendas can go forward without much resistance.

The false flag called the “Russia/Ukraine war” has just been the latest example of the divide and distract strategy, and it worked perfectly. Overnight the deadly ‘covid’ narrative was suspended as the threat of Russia once again took center stage. The same old playbook with an ‘innocent’ victim attacked by a rogue superpower was used by the U.S. in order to strike mass fear into the ignorant public at large. It was framed as not only an attack against innocent Ukrainians by a bloodthirsty tyrant, this to pull at the heartstrings of the uninformed, but was also used to terrify the masses into believing that nuclear annihilation was possible at any moment. This was the new, ‘crawl under your desks for safety’ moment, and trust the state to protect you from ‘imminent’ terror. It is all a sham.

Actually, it was much worse than what I have just described, as this one fake event was also used as a springboard to disrupt the world’s food supply and distribution. It was also used to disrupt the flow of energy due to pre-planned sanctions on Russia, which was meant to cause chaos in energy markets, and higher prices and panic among the public. Most importantly, it is being used to make way for a cashless society dependent on a global central-bank controlled digital monetary system, where every transaction can be fully monitored, controlled, restricted, or eliminated by state decree, as just happened in the communistic state of Canada recently.

Food is of course vital to everyone, as is energy, but the control of money is the lynchpin in any effort to control the world. This Ukraine hoax is helping the ruling class to achieve all these agendas at once, allowing this vast conspiracy to go forward at lightening speed.

With supply lines shut down, food production and distribution being purposely impeded by state action, the raising of prices to levels most cannot fathom; sickness, hunger, poverty, starvation, and death will occur. The Ukraine excuse is being blamed for all of this, and acceptance of this lie by the masses will bring about exactly what the controlling class seeks. Without proper food supply, higher prices will prevail, and with food shortages, chaos will win out, this causing panic and fear, which are enemies of the people, but a boon for the ruling state thugs. A weak, ignorant, and brainwashed society is simply candy to the ‘elite’ class of rulers, governments, the large banking establishment, giant corporations, and the medical and technological powers. In the midst of all this terror -driven madness lies the key to global dominance, which is the control of money from a centralized banking source. 

The so-called war in Ukraine, and the massive monetary sanctions on Russia, its allies, and other parts of the world, are being used to facilitate pandemonium in the monetary and financial markets. Alternate settlement options are being sought by several countries as financial chaos continues, but this chaos was planned and therefore intentional, as it upsets monetary markets worldwide. This will allow for globalist agendas to be fulfilled, and the conversion to a central bank-controlled money system is well in the works. Every new ‘emergency’ helps to usher in totalitarian policies meant to restructure the individual current nation-state systems into a global top-down controlled digital fiat infrastructure that can function as a one world centralized power, mostly hidden from the view of the masses.

In order to keep people in line, and loyal to what they consider to be ‘their nation,’ a feigned sovereign structure will have to be maintained. Every central bank will have their own digital currency, but the actual globalist control will be in the hands of the central banks, with most all major transactions going through one central clearing house if you will, where overall dominance will be in the hands of one international central banking system, sitting atop the pyramid of power. After all, control of money allows control of the world.

At this point in time, well over 80% of all central banks are researching and ‘considering’ launching a central bank digital currency, (CBDC) and many already have current pilot programs or have already accomplished their launch of what can be described as state-controlled digital fiat currency. This is staggering in that these efforts have been ongoing since before the ‘covid’ or Ukraine false flags. These staged events are meant to disrupt world economies, causing great financial harm, while undermining the current money systems to such an extent as to cause a mass clamoring for relief from monetary risk by the ruled proletariat class. Once again, this can only lead to a voluntary acceptance by the masses of a centrally controlled digital society that will claim to protect all from monetary harm. This of course is another evil inversion of reality, and in fact will lead to the destruction of what is falsely considered ‘real’ money in favor of a global controlled system.

This will naturally also lead to social credit systems like those in China, universal income fully controlled by globally ruled governing puppets, domestic and international monitoring passports, new universal tracking and tracing technology; all reliant on a one world autocratic operating model in a top-down authoritarian system. Again, while each country may seem to be sovereign to some extent, and while individual central bank currencies will likely exist, all will be effectively controlled from one centralized location by the most powerful technocrats.

A cashless society is just around the corner, and that would guarantee the enslavement of all under the rule of the very powerful few. The control of food, food quality, food production and distribution, the control of energy, and the ultimate control of money, are all tied together. Each system will be said to have failed so that a new system, a great reset as described by the World Economic Forum, would lead to control of all vital world functions. Freedom could never exist in such a system.

Beware of every new false warning, beware of every claimed emergency declared by the state, beware of every threat of war, beware of every media pronouncement, and beware of the centralized digital monetary takeover that will be sold as the only option available to protect the masses from economic harm. Consider every government and mainstream pronouncement to be nothing more than sinister propaganda, as the intentional destruction of money and economies will be purposely caused by those same rulers pretending to be your saviors.

References and supporting links:

Do not go to sleep: this is not the end of ‘covid’

What will you do when there is no food?

The race to central bank digital money is on!

80% of all central banks are researching CBDC

Political sanctions and the destruction of the dollar

Sanctions imposed on Russia over Ukraine

Today’s central bank currency status

Guide to new digital economy

The multiple CBDC bridge: A wholesale central bank digital currency

The potential Orwellian horror of digital currencies

Wednesday, 29 June 2022


Do you have trouble with your computer or phone? Does is freeze or shut down at the most inopportune times? Does it go haywire suddenly or arbitrarily erase important data for no reason? Does it vomit forth long dead languages in a deep, growling voice? If so, then you may have a serious problem. According to some reports, your computer or even your smartphone may actually be possessed by an evil spirit.

Demonic possession is a very well-documented phenomenon among human beings, and has been for centuries, but what of modern devices such as computers and smartphones? Can these machines serve as some sort of conduit for evil forces? One person who would say yes to that is a Reverend Jim Peasboro, of Savannah, Georgia, in the United States, who has spent a lot of time denouncing how computers are powerful tools of the Devil for corrupting our souls. So far, so standard, but Peasboro goes beyond just using the Devil working through computers as a metaphor for their bad influence on our youth, and rather seems to believe that demonic forces can literally possess computers.

Peasboro has written a whole book on this, called The Devil in the Machine: Is Your Computer Possessed by a Demon?, in which he outlines his belief that possession by demons can be experienced by anything with a mind, including humans, animals, and even the processor of your computer. According to Peasboro, “Any PC built after 1985 has the storage capacity to house an evil spirit,” with storage capacity seeming to make a difference, and he asserts that “one in 10 computers in America now houses some type of evil spirit.” He seems to take this all quite literally, and claims that these malicious spirits are responsible for seeping through our screens to exert their influence, which has led to much of the crime and gun violence among young people seen in the country. As to other effects of these malevolent cyber-demons he says:

I learned that many members of my congregation became in touch with a dark force whenever they used their computers. Decent, happily married family men were drawn irresistibly to pornographic websites and forced to witness unspeakable abominations. Housewives who had never expressed an impure thought were entering Internet chat rooms and found themselves spewing foul, debasing language they would never use normally…One woman wept as she confessed to me, ‘I feel when I’m on the computer as if someone else or something else just takes over.’

Surely this seems like it still must be just talking in metaphor. After all, the Internet can indeed be a scary, lawless badland where terrible people do terrible things, we get that, but Peasboro truly seems to think that it is not just the barrage of impure images and the limitless new opportunities to be exposed to violence and pornography online, but rather actual supernatural demons worming their way into our technology to reach out into us. The most bizarre story he tells is of coming face to face with one of these demons while inspecting a computer that was suspected of being possessed. He would say of the experience:

The program began talking directly to me, openly mocked me. It typed out, ‘Preacher, you are a weakling and your God is a damn liar.’ Then the device went haywire and started printing out what looked like gobbledygook…I later had an expert in dead languages examine the text. It turned out to be a stream of obscenities written in a 2,800-year-old Mesopotamian dialect!

Well, that seems like it’s definitely not your typical computer virus. If your computer starts berating you and spewing forth ancient Mesopotamian, then you probably have a bigger problem than just using Windows 10. You may be thinking about what you can do if that is the case, and Peasboro has the answer for you on that, saying that if you suspect that your computer is possessed by the Devil then all you have to do is consult a clergyman, or if that doesn’t work he says “Technicians can replace the hard drive and reinstall the software, getting rid of the wicked spirit permanently.” Hope you have that warranty handy.

Don’t just take Paesboro’s word for it all, though. There are some other pretty spooky cases out there that seem to point to real demons actually lashing out and pushing through our computer screens, and one weird account comes from a poster on the site dreamsofdunamis, who says that as she was surfing the net one evening she came across a car ad that was filled with what seemed to be sinister and cryptic Illuminati symbolism. As she scrolled down, she found more creepy symbols and a line of spectral black and white figures, and that at that point she claims to have actually felt a demon physically leap out from the screen and actually pass through her. This is all strange enough as it is, but whatever presence had come through the computer had apparently gone on to prowl around the house, as her son soon came into the room complaining of having been woken up and attacked by some sort of terrifying entity. She said of what happened next:

It sounded just like the black and white ghostly picture that I had just seen on that web page just moments before. The symbols were the same, so I knew it had to have come from that site.

As I apologized to my child, I realized that I may have to stop surfing the web late at night, for I did not want to disturb my kids sleep like this any more.

I shared this with my child, and told him that as soon as I had sensed the demon come through the screen, I cast it out in the name of Jesus, exited the page, and closed up the computer. I was surprised that the demon did not leave once it had been cast out. I was also surprised (and a bit frustrated,) that the demon attacking him was almost instantaneous; there was no pause or time elapse from when it went through my computer screen to when it entered into my child’s bedroom to attack him.

My child then reminded me, that the demon that I had cast out had probably left, but there were numerous demons that could come through just one demonic doorway. And in this case, viewing the photo was the doorway into our house.

She then goes on to speculate that the demon had come through the image on her computer, and that others might have entered her house as well. This caused her to go about praying to cast out any residual demonic forces lurking within the home. As they did this she claims to have heard a startling, loud noise like something wet hitting the floor nearby, and they looked to see a shadowy figure about 4 feet in height and possessing wings, which crouched there for a moment before screaming as if in pain and falling backwards to seemingly phase right through the wall. She goes on to claim that her family has been attacked on several occasions by such supernatural forces coming through their computer screen or even TV. She says of this:

Our first encounter with demons coming out of computer and TV screens, happened several years ago, when one of my kids had clicked on a video that promised the viewer a glimpse of a real alien. We were all sitting there at the kitchen table, with the kids doing their school work, and this one kid had finished early, so as a reward, I told him he could use the computer while he waited for the rest of the kids to finish.

Well, most of the youtube video that he had decided to view, was silent and dark, which caused one to lean in closer to the computer screen, to see if you could see anything. Suddenly, a drawing of an alien’s face flashed upon the screen, and a loud roar came from the speakers, and as everyone there at the table turned to look at the computer screen, a large black ghost-like hook, (reminiscent of Peter Pan’s Captain Hook, but very very black and wraith-like,) reached out through the computer screen and tried to stab itself into my child’s forehead. It glanced off the surface of his skin, and then gave an even louder roar of frustration, once it realized it had failed in its attack. The claw then evaporated back into the computer screen. Laughter was then heard coming from the video, as the perps laughed out loud at their supposed joke.

As you can imagine, we were all left quite shaken, after seeing such a thing. It was a lesson none of us have forgotten!

She blames this on Satanists posting images and videos with magical spells attached to them to facilitate the entry of demons into our world, and claims these show up on any site that attempts to cast light into the world of the unknown (like, say, the one you are reading right now). She goes on to give this warning:

So I share this testimony with you, in the hopes that those among you who have children, especially young ones, will be extra careful in what you watch or view, especially in the nighttime hours. Keep in mind the doorways that can be formed through the viewing of evil photos, pictures, or videos. Cast out all the demons that may have come through the TV or computer screen, after viewing those questionable items. If you have someone who refuses to curtail their nighttime viewing, then increase your prayers to our God, that your children would be protected, and then still continue to cast out the demons as the Holy Spirit advises.

Even if you can not see them, those demons still can come in and attack you and your family. Possible signs of this, is an inability to get that picture of the demon out of your mind, or if you can’t seem to forget the show you were just watching, nightmares once you go back to sleep, (or if others in your house wake up from them,) or if you find you are fearful or depressed, or getting hit with any other negatively strong emotion. (Demons love to take our normal negative emotions and turn the volume way up!)

It is a completely bonkers testimony to be sure, and one wonders if this person is for real or not. It does not even seem to be just desktop computers that are prone to this sort of spiritual invasion, but also smartphones as well. After all, what is a smartphone but a tiny portable computer? One very odd report of demons and smartphones comes from Lima, Peru in 2015, when a young woman reportedly became actually possessed after using a Ouija Board smartphone app for “talking to the dead,” as part of the ‘CharlieCharlie’ challenge, a supposed ‘ancient Mexican ritual to summon spirits’ that has become a popular smartphone app. According to the urban legend, if you make a mistake you can open a portal through which demons and other nefarious spirits can creep through into our world, so no pressure.

Eighteen-year-old Patricia Quispe was using the infamous app with her friends in an attempt to contact the spirit world when this got real weird real fast. That very same evening Patricia fell violently ill, and her parents began to worry. The following day the girl began to have strange seizures and convulsions, foaming at the mouth and apparently trying to commit suicide as well, and when she was brought to a hospital the wildly writhing young lady was reportedly barely able to be restrained by medics, who claimed that she was almost superhumanly strong.

According to witnesses she was shouting and screaming in a deep voice unlike her own, and that much of it was gobbledygook but some of it was intelligible. Some of the things she reportedly blurted out in her eerie demon voice were “666,” “let me go, let me go,” “Please give me my phone,” as well as “Mum, these doctors don’t know what they’re doing, take me home.” Friends and family have claimed that Patricia had unwillingly let loose evil spirits through her phone and that they had possessed her. The young woman has since been admitted to a psychiatric hospital and footage of the alleged possession can be seen here. Is this real at all or some sort of a hoax?

When looking at these sorts of stories it is interesting to note that even as our technology has changed and advanced, the same mysteries and superstitions that have plagued humankind for centuries still manage to adapt into our world. Evil spirits and demonic possession have found a way to hold on, stay relevant, and get with the times. Instead of arcane rituals, spells, and speaking through Ouija boards, we now have these forces supposedly popping through our computer and smartphone screens, reaching out from the beyond by way of the very technology that seems as though it should have made these phenomena obsolete. Whether any of these stories are true or not, the next time your computer is on the fritz perhaps you don’t need a repairman, but an exorcist.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Activists’ Ideological War On Energy: In Front of Every Great Fortune Lies a Great Crime, Immense Wealth Translates Automatically Into Environmental Impacts Regardless of the Intentions of Those Who Possess It


The conflict in Ukraine evokes a World War II strategy we had all hoped was gone forever: the purposeful victimization and killing of civilians to weaken and demoralize the opposition. Sadly, climate activists who seem to exert inordinate control over U.S. government policies are exacting an analogously high price from the American public in pursuit of their ideological goals. They are conducting what we call the War On American Energy, or WOAE (pronounced “WHOA!”)

The WOAE strategies include direct actions as well as less obvious “behind the lines” logistics and support functions. The most destructive is the attack on the nation’s fuel supply. Biden administration officials have rescinded permissions for existing pipelines such as the Keystone XL; cancelled the sale of exploration leases in the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska; and slowed the issuance of permits for collateral construction such as roads necessary to use existing exploration leases. Despite their own culpability for obstructions to drilling, they threaten early cancellation of “unused” leases.

To add insult to injury, President Joe Biden has called on energy to companies to refine more and profit less after disincentivizing investment in fossil fuels to achieve “cleaner energy.” What kind of disincentiving? Who can forget Biden’s emphatic message during the election campaign about his energy policies if he were to become president: “No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. It ends.” 

The results are predictable: Less investment in energy, diminished resilience against supply disruptions, and massive spikes in fuel prices. And earlier this month, the EPA proposed to reverse a Trump-era rule that limited the power of states and Native American tribes to block energy projects like natural-gas pipelines, a certain path to increasing costs and delays.

So much for the once much-vaunted phrase, “American energy independence.”

Activists are also engaged in a relentless disinformation campaign to hide the challenges of renewable energy sources. Wind and solar power without sufficient fossil fuel or battery backup will produce rolling blackouts. Battery backup for just the region of West Texas that lost power for four days in February 2021 would cost about $20 billion (11,000 turbines times 96 hours times two megawatts per turbine-hour times $100,000 per megawatt hour for batteries).

Also, building wind and solar farms consumes millions of tons of steel, concrete, plastic, etc., at a high energy cost. Furthermore, management of power grids is hugely complicated by the variable nature of power generation from renewables, including the mandated purchase of excess electricity from consumers with solar panels on their roofs.

Then there is the fantasy of electric vehicles (EVs) as a panacea. Expensive subsidies remain necessary, and each EV requires 250 tons of minerals to be mined with an energy expenditure of 86 million BTUs, which is equal to 1.5 person-years of total energy consumption. Many of the necessary rare earth elements and lithium are scarce and come from hostile or largely inaccessible parts of the world such as China, Congo, and Russia, and industrial-scale battery demands would exacerbate the problem. And although charging at single-family homes seems straightforward, neighborhood power transformers are generally intended to supply eight to 10 homes without EVs, presaging major renovations of local grids. Plus, are we willing to tear up our streets to install chargers for city dwellers? And who pays for and manages a vastly expanded garage charging infrastructure? And all this while we’re producing less reliable and more expensive electric power.

Paradoxically, the ideal available clean energy – nuclear – continues to be disfavored and has long been headed for the WOAE scrap heap. This is despite the potential of small modular reactors and even “nuclear batteries,” which can be used to power devices and machines of any size, from aircraft and rockets to charging electric vehicles. Perfectly safe and serviceable nuclear plants are being decommissioned at an alarming rate. Germany is now deeply regretting former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to phase out nuclear energy.

Finally, there is the unreality of the entire underlying rationale for the WOAE. While the United States produces 14% (and a decreasing fraction) of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), China, India, and Russia account for 40%. How are our actions supposed to affect their practices? China and India have 1,400 coal power facilities, with their numbers growing, while the U.S. has 240, with the number declining. And the war in Ukraine has clearly exposed the national security implications of insufficient energy resources that can lead to energy blackmail.

The WOAE is putting at risk America’s security and economic well-being. And in the process, strategies to promote resilience from geopolitical or climatic challenges are neglected. Politicians should be devising approaches like coastal building restrictions, mass planting of CO2-absorbing trees, carbon sequestration technology, and a massive expansion of nuclear power. But the WOAE consists largely of endless virtue-signaling and pinning medals on one another for imaginary victories.  Its strategy is no better conceived or beneficial to the public than is Vladimir Putin’s in Ukraine. We Americans need to find our Volodymyr Zelensky for this fight.

Monday, 27 June 2022

The Plan, as Laid Out by the Technocratic Ruling ‘elite,’ the Government, the Media, and the Huge Corporate Powers, Was to Sacrifice All Tradition, Culture, Individuality, True History, Art, Natural Biology, and Morality, So That a Society of Like-minded Fools Could Be Easily Manipulated to Act and React Just as Intended by the State Masters


“Millions of people never analyze themselves. Mentally they are mechanical products of the factory of their environment, preoccupied with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, working and sleeping, and going here and there to be entertained. They don’t know what or why they are seeking, nor why they never realize complete happiness and lasting satisfaction. By evading self-analysis, people go on being robots, conditioned by their environment. True self-analysis is the greatest art of progress.”

~ Paramahansa Yogananda (1986). “Self-realization”

Human beings it seems are creatures of their environment. Although they have the ability, at least in theory, to reason, think, and respond as individuals to life’s challenges, they rarely do, as that aspect of human behavior has been largely lost in this new collective and digital age. In my opinion, this was not accidental, but by design. One might question this hypothesis, but proving it to be untrue would be another matter, as any number of examples of the robotic nature and mindset of the herd abound. Humanity has turned away from its foundational roots, its cultural heritage, its individual spirit, and its connection with the natural world in favor of collective digital idiocy.

One of the signs that expose these truths, is the almost universal dependency on technology that has consumed the public. Little personal communication or togetherness seems necessary or important when all forms of interaction boil down to ‘smart’ phones, computers, and the games and circuses offered to the sleeping sheep. Abandonment of loved ones became the new normal in this age of fake and fraudulent ‘virus pandemics.’ Due to this mindset and addiction to technology, the family structure has been and is being eliminated; no longer held up as the basis for society, but an afterthought rarely considered except as an impediment to instant gratification and the useless exploitation of some at the expense of all.

The plan of course, as laid out by the technocratic ruling ‘elite,’ the government, the media, and the huge corporate powers, was to sacrifice all tradition, culture, individuality, true history, art, natural biology, and morality, so that a society of like-minded fools could be easily manipulated to act and react just as intended by the state masters. This of course became blatantly obvious during the ‘covid’ scam, and the mass obedience to heinous state ‘covid’ directives. Nothing could be more obvious, as most in this country and around the world, deserted any aspect of personal responsibility, empathy, compassion, and natural caring for family, friends, and neighbors in the name of the spurious notion called the ‘common good.’ This has literally led to the near elimination of the family unit, leaving hatred, discontent, depression, and emptiness in its wake.

The recent science fiction craze of zombies running the streets may not be so far-fetched after all, and the inordinate number of zombie movies being produced in Hollywood may be the foretelling of our future instead of just worthless ‘entertainment.’ But instead of dead people rising from their graves to terrorize the living, we are facing a situation where the majority of the living could rise from the state-controlled technocracy to become drones or brain-dead, computerized cyborgs in a non-caring, transhuman existence. Before you scoff at this possibility, or shout out “conspiracy theorist,” you may want to consider what has happened over the past two years. One cannot look at all the carnage and changes due to fake pandemics, war threats, lockdowns, mass injection of toxic poison, and totalitarian evil levied on society; all voluntarily accepted by the zombie-like hordes of collective fools that make up this country and most others today. How many of you could have predicted the apocalyptic scope of this dystopic takeover plot just a few years ago? Only a very few understood the risks we faced, and they were ignored by nearly all, and labeled as tin foil hat types. I know, because I was and am one of these so-called “conspiracy theorists.”

Generally speaking, it is difficult to observe human activity today, regardless of the personal or societal circumstance involved, whether family outings, sporting events, just walking on the street, at restaurants, concerts, or just every day-to-day activity, without noticing that nearly all are intimately attached to their phone. They are not only attached, but consumed by it, as if they could not survive without it for even a moment. These phones can be useful, but they have become an unhealthy part of the body and mind of most in this country and beyond.

This phenomenon is not innocent, as it makes dependent the majority of human beings to such an extent as to make it easy for the state under the false guise of speed, entertainment, and convenience, to fully control the masses. It is even worse than this, because this dependency also completely enslaves society, and allows for every single conversation, every financial transaction, every surveillance technique, every health event, every purchase and sale; actually, everything in life due to this technological coup stands to strengthen the state control over all at levels that have only been imagined in ‘science fiction’ movies. These movies and games in many cases, are simply foretelling the future planned by the masters you have voluntarily chosen to rule over you.

The more automated and technologically tied one becomes, the more dangerous is the risk to all freedom and liberty. In order for the state to gain total control, it needs to claim power over all movement, all money, all health and medicine, all financial and economic processes; making everything subject to its will. A constant state of emergency is the key element to bring this about, and we are seeing this scenario become reality every day at this point. Total enforcement by the ruling class is sought, which means due to social credit scoring, new state outlined societal behavior norms, mass compliance with state mandates in order to exist; all as defined by the state, must be created, demanded, and imposed in order to achieve full societal compliance.

This dystopian nightmare is being advanced right before our eyes, as the majority of the populace is voluntarily allowing it to take place. Many think the people are winning this battle against the destruction of freedom, but they are very mistaken, and seemingly blind to realty. There is a point of no return, and it is getting closer all the time. Mass resistance has not been evident to date, and mass resistance is mandatory if any freedom is to survive. This resistance must begin and end with the individual, acting en masse; not as any asinine collective group thinking as one, but all individuals thinking for themselves together.

What is necessary now? Hold on tightly to all your guns and weapons, as more pressure to take them away from you will be forthcoming after more false flag ‘shootings’ take place. If this happens, Americans will be helpless against the evil and monstrous state. Understand that the actual controlling class owns and commands the media, the politicians, including the highest positions in government, the courts, the criminal banking system, and the murdering police and military. Speak out constantly, accept and spread the truth, do not obey or comply with any government mandates, and educate yourselves concerning what is actually going on in front of you, instead of reading headlines or watching the idiotic and insane mainstream ‘news.’ Turn off your TV.

The only way to salvage freedom is to immediately wake your pathetic asses up, and do something to help yourselves!

Bilderberg knows that however the global realignments play out, and whatever a reset global financial system looks like, the shape of the world will be determined by big tech. And if the endgame is “Continuity of Government,” as the agenda suggests, that continuity will be powered by AI.

Whatever billionaire ends up making the software that runs the world, Bilderberg aims to make damned sure that it has its hand on the mouse.”

Charlie Skelton (Guardian)

 Reference and source links:

Bilderberg Group meets in secret to discuss “disinformation”

Elites Secretly Meeting in DC — Corporate Media is SILENT

The great robot replacement of people

Beyond Bilderberg(er)’s Civil War

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Taking the State Wherever Found, Striking Into Its History at Any Point, One Sees No Way to Differentiate the Activities of Its Founders, Administrators, and Beneficiaries From Those of a Professional-criminal Class

Today, I feel the need to discuss the insanity that is the new ‘national holiday’ called “Juneteenth.” As an aside, I am not in the least a fan of state declared holidays, but this one defies logic, and is a ridiculous, nonsensical, and agenda-driven ploy meant only to divide people and create victims where few exist. In addition, most all about the subject of slavery is completely misunderstood and unknown, and the notion that only black people have been slaves stands in complete contradiction to the truth.

This is a much deeper subject than I will discuss in this post, but it is imperative for all to understand that slavery did not begin with Africans or end with Africans. Slavery has been entrenched in human culture for thousands of years, long before black slavery began in this country. Also, slavery is not a U.S. or African phenomenon, it has been a world atrocity since the beginning. In addition, who sold the black slaves to the Europeans who delivered them to the Americas and elsewhere? They were not often white, but Africans selling their own into bondage.

Slavery of white people in this country alone was prevalent before black slavery, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. As Thomas Sowell correctly stated in his article, Irresponsible ‘Education’:

“Over all that expanse of time and space, it is very unlikely that most slaves, or most slave owners, were either black or white. Slavery was common among the vast populations in Asia. Slavery was also common among the Polynesians, and the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere enslaved other indigenous peoples before anyone on this side of the Atlantic had ever seen a European.

More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.”

There is also the question concerning the slavery of the Irish in early American, British, North African, and Mediterranean history. This cannot be ignored. The horrors of slavery have existed since the beginning of man, but ask any in this country of the United States, and they have been taught that all slavery begins and ends with black Americans. This notion is asinine. No black people living in this country today have ever been a slave, but had the opportunity to become successful and live as freely as any other in this country. Did racism, bigotry, and cultural hatred exist in the past, and does it exist today? Of course it does, and always has, but it is prevalent among the minority of all races, not just whites against blacks. That is only a cover for splitting people into ethnic groups opposing each other instead of living together in harmony. This is a government plot, not any proper condemnation of some over others, that has been solidified in the minds of the populace by horrendous governments, government schools, and the media.

Concerning Lincoln, slavery, and the Civil War, there are great discrepancies and outright lies that have consumed the public since the mid-19th century. Lincoln did own slaves, was never an abolitionist, and stated emphatically that he would protect slavery in order to ‘save the union.’ The Civil War was not about slavery, nor was slavery the reason for the North’s attack of the South. In Lincoln’s first Inaugural Address, he stated that the only reason he would war against his own country would be over tariffs, not slavery, when he said: “The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere.”

It is also important to understand that the very highly lauded “Emancipation Proclamation” never freed a single slave in the United States, and was never meant to do so. It was simply, a political document meant to keep the British from joining the South against the Union North by falsely indicating that freeing the slaves in southern states was desired by Lincoln. One reading of this document should clarify this fact to any with the ability to read, think, and reason. This document considered only those Lincoln had no right to free, given that the South was no longer a part of the U.S, and slaves in those states and counties controlled by the North, were not to be freed. This was all a fraud.

As to this ‘Juneteenth’ holiday, and the timing of it, it is completely staged and inaccurate. Slavery did not end in this country until December 6th, 1865, not in June, and this was none of Lincoln’s doing. That was the ratification date of the 13th Amendment. Of the states that refused to ratify that amendment, only one was a Southern state, while three were Union states. As stated earlier, slavery was not the impetus for the brutal attack by the Northern states of the Union on the seceding South, so 750,000 Americans died over taxation and federal control over all.

This so-called holiday should be considered a blight on truth, and the equivalent of total dishonesty meant to cause more hatred among men. Slavery is and has always been a barbarous abomination against mankind, regardless of ethnicity, culture, or the color of one’s skin. It is not specific to any race, and certainly is not unique to black people in America. This notion should be destroyed so that mankind can be sympathetic to all without regard for one color or race against another. In other words, all lives matter, and all should remain colorblind, instead of looking for sympathy from today’s living who did nothing to advance the slavery of all peoples in the past.

“Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators, and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.”

Friday, 17 June 2022


Yesterday the Fed raised short term interest rates by three quarters of one percent, and the stock market rose. The stock market did not rise because of the rate hike. The stock market rose because the Atlanta Federal Reserve bank dropped its forecast for second quarter (ends June 30) GDP growth to zero — 0.0 — which means that technically we are in a recession.

As interest rate hikes worsen recessions, the stock market has concluded that Fed tightening is over. Soon the Fed will be lowering interest rates to fight recession and unemployment. The real question is: why did the Federal Reserve raise interest rates on the same day it knew the economy had descended into recession?

The Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome Powell disclaimed any intention of causing or worsening a recession by ratcheting up interest rates. But the real unanswered question is why did the Fed raise interest rates after the Fed knew we were in a recession unless the Fed wants a serious recession?

The unexplored question among economists is who does the Federal Reserve really serve. In the universities students are brainwashed that the Federal Reserve serves the public’s interest by maintaining noninflationary full employment via careful adjustments of the money supply. There is no historical record to support this claim, but this is what is taught. It is part of the propaganda that turns Americans into dumbshits.

Since QE began, the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has risen from 800 billion dollars to 9 trillion dollars. This was the money creation that drove up bond, stock, and real estate prices and created a Forbes 400 list of nothing but multi-billionaires. If memory serves, when I was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, there were only 2 billionaires on the 400 list.

The Federal Reserve has said that it is going to take the 9 trillion dollars that it pumped into financial assets back out of the economy. This means, if you believe the Federal reserve, that the Federal Reserve is going to take the money out of the rise in stock, bond, and real estate prices. If the Federal Reserve goes ahead with its plan, there will be a wipeout in paper wealth.

Here’s The Harsh Reality: Today, The Biggest Risk For Global Catastrophe Isn’t What It Was 50 Years Ago…

This presentation PROOVES WITHOUT DOUBT that America is in for a major fight that will put you and your family in the firing line, literally… So make sure you watch this presentation while it’s still online…

Pension funds will be hit hard if the Federal Reserve attempts to take out the money it poured into the support of the New York Banks, which meant into support of financial assets. This raises another issue. How did we have 12 or 14 years of the Fed pouring out money and still unable to reach the Federal Reserve’s target of 2% inflation, yet suddenly have 8%, 10%, or 12% inflation depending on the measure used? How does inflation jump from less than 2% to double-digits overnight?

Especially, how does this happen when the US dollar is rising. All great inflations, such as the German inflation, resulted from the collapse of the currency. The US dollar might well deserve to collapse, but it isn’t, or not yet. So what explains the inflation?

Is it made up, fake news to allow excess profits to sellers? Is it a product of the mindless Covid lockdowns that destroyed many businesses and disrupted many supply chains? In other words, the lockdowns reduced supply. If demand did not reduce correspondingly, prices rise. Is inflation a produce of Washington’s sanctions when the Wall Street Journal reports that Russia’s oil exports have increased by 300,000 barrels daily? Why are food prices going up? Why are some African countries allegedly experiencing starvation? Is it fake news, or is it the result of the Western world forcing countries out of being self-sufficient in food into producing one export crop and importing their food from the US? In other words, has “globalism” been successfully used to create a monopoly over food supply, a monopoly that is using the “Russian excuse” to raise prices?

Whatever your answers are, the only conclusions at which you can arrive is that “your government” is either totally incompetent or acting against your interests and those of everyone else in the world.

Are Americans too insouciant and gullible to be aware that they live in a world of lies created by their rulers and sustained by the presstitutes? Donald Trump brought just over half of US citizens into this realization, resulting in his two presidential elections. But the realization was not strong enough for the majority of the voters to prevent the corrupt and evil Democrats from stealing the election from Trump. Of course, it wasn’t just the Democrats wanting the powers of office for their perverted agendas of critical race theory, identity politics, transgender indoctrination, and other extraordinary assaults on the authority of parents and morality. We are living under a full scale assault by Democrats on normality, on the US Constitution, on truth, on morality.

Trump and the Republicans are themselves far from a reliable defender of freedom, free speech, and free thought. Republicans have supported the PATRIOT Act and all other legislation that erodes liberty in the name of security, just as Benjamin Franklin, a Founding Father, said would happen. Scare the Americans and they run into the embrace of the totalitarian state.

In addition to these powerful corruptive elements that are destroying the free world, we how have in addition the attacks on the indigenous white populations of the Western word, the fount of modern progress. White people are racists who must be replaced or exterminated, who first must pay reparations, who must first confess their sins against “people of color,” homosexuals and lesbians, feminists, transgendered, transpecies, and everyone else in the universe whether fanciful or real.

The doctrine is hardening everywhere in Western universities where the solution to humanity’s problems is the elimination of normal white people.

This despite the proven fact that the black slaves brought to what became the United States were slaves captured by the Black King of Dahomey, who sold the excess to Arab and Jewish slave traders. No colonist or 19th century resident of North America ever enslaved anyone. The slaves arrived enslaved. They were enslaved by the black victors who captured them in slave ares, enslaved and sold them.

Conservative defense of business no longer makes any sense. American corporations moved high value-added, high productivity jobs out of the country. When the goods and services they produce abroad are sold in the US, they enter as imports and worsen the US trade deficit. Thus the corporations have reduced the income growth of Americans and the tax base while worsening the trade deficit. That is, the corporations are acting against the interests of the country.

How does a country survive when its own corporations work against it and when its universities attempt to delegitimize normality?

I highly recommend this book: The Home Doctor – Practical Medicine for Every Household – is a 304 page doctor written and approved guide on how to manage most health situations when help is not on the way.

If you want to see what happens when things go south, all you have to do is look at Venezuela: no electricity, no running water, no law, no antibiotics, no painkillers, no anesthetics, no insulin or other important things.

But if you want to find out how you can still manage in a situation like this, you must also look to Venezuela and learn the ingenious ways they developed to cope.

This book is a unique guide for the layman that you can use when help is not on the way or to manage common ailments that don’t require seeing a doctor.

Let me show you just some of the things you’ll find inside the Home Doctor:

Learn More…

Thursday, 9 June 2022


The global economic outlook is deteriorating because of the COVID-19,  rising interest rates, and a cost of living crisis, UKRAIN RUSSIAN WAR.



The Ukraine/Russia. It’s taken a human toll of tragic proportions, driven energy and food prices higher, and created macro uncertainty around the world reducing the value of the global economy by $1 trillion.

It is already exacted a heavy toll. Though the outcome is unclear, the war will continue to weigh on global economies, with ramifications for central bank policy, energy, commodities, and more.

So what is the difference between a Recession and a Depression?  

recession is a downtrend in the economy that can affect production and employment, and produce lower household income and spending. The effects of depression are much more severe, characterized by widespread unemployment and major pauses in economic activity. Recessions can also be more localized, while depressions can have a global reach. ‘

When your neighbor loses his job it’s a recession; it’s a depression when you lose yours.

A depression is when wages are cut so low no one makes enough to live on and a recession is when the price of everything goes up so high no one makes enough to live on.

Depression is a major downswing (far more severe than a downward trend) in the business cycle; one which is characterized by sharply reduced industrial production, widespread unemployment, a serious decline or cessation of growth in construction, and great reductions in international trade and capital movements.

Even though some sectors of the economy may be presenting less than favorable conditions to both businesses and consumers, we aren’t in a depression right now. 

Only time will tell what the future has in store.