Saturday 3 August 2024

Bombshell! Big Pharma Exposed: How Big Pharma and Your Doctor Scam You to Death – The Truth About Chemo and Radiation Exposed

Big Pharma Exposed: Discover the sobering truths exposed by Dr. Peter Glidden about the pharmaceutical industry’s deception and the dangers of conventional medicine. This eye-opening article reveals how Big Pharma prioritizes profit over patient care and highlights the benefits of holistic health practices. Unveil the real story behind chemotherapy, the prescription drug crisis, and the path to a healthier future.

How Big Pharma and Conventional Medicine Scam You to Death

In a world where the pursuit of profit often overshadows the sanctity of human life, the pharmaceutical industry and conventional medicine have, for far too long, operated under a shroud of deceit. They promise cures, healing, and hope, but what they deliver is often a deadly mix of side effects, empty promises, and financial devastation. Dr. Peter Glidden, a rare voice of reason in the medical wilderness, pulls back the curtain on these dangerous deceptions.

His revelations expose a harrowing reality: Big Pharma and many doctors are not the saviors they claim to be but are instead profiteers in a system that prioritizes wealth over health.

The Facade of Modern Medicine: A Deep Dive into the Failures
Dr. Peter Glidden is among the few who have dared to speak the sobering truth: modern, MD-directed medicine consistently fails to cure disease and, in the process, causes immense harm. The average person trusts their doctor, believing that the medical advice they receive is based on their best interests. However, the reality is far more sinister.

The medical industry is driven by profit margins, not patient welfare. The treatments prescribed are not necessarily the most effective but are often the most profitable.

Chemotherapy, for instance, is a classic example. It’s one of the most commonly prescribed treatments for cancer, yet its efficacy is shockingly low. Dr. Glidden has stated that chemotherapy works only 3% of the time. Despite this dismal success rate, it remains a cornerstone of cancer treatment, largely because it is highly profitable.

The stark truth is that chemotherapeutic drugs are the only category of medication where doctors receive a direct financial benefit from prescribing them. This conflict of interest undermines the integrity of medical advice and endangers patient health.

The Chemotherapy Scam: A Financial Racket Disguised as Treatment
Let’s break down the chemotherapy scam in more detail. When a doctor prescribes chemotherapy, they often purchase the drugs from pharmaceutical companies at a fraction of the price they sell them to patients.

For example, a doctor might buy a chemotherapy drug for $5,000, then bill the patient or their insurance $12,000. The insurance company might cover $9,000, leaving the doctor with a tidy profit of $4,000. This practice incentivizes doctors to prescribe chemotherapy, even when it’s not in the patient’s best interest. The treatment’s actual effectiveness is irrelevant; what matters is the profit margin.

This scenario is not a rare exception but a standard operating procedure. The system is designed to encourage over-prescription, not to maximize patient health. The focus on profit over genuine care is a devastating indictment of the healthcare industry. It reveals a system that exploits the sick and vulnerable for financial gain, with little regard for the actual outcomes.

The Deceptive Allure of Big Pharma
Big Pharma, the conglomerate of pharmaceutical companies, is a key player in this deceitful game. They wield immense power and influence, shaping medical practices and policies to ensure their profits continue to soar. They achieve this by funding medical schools, research institutions, and even regulatory bodies.

This financial influence compromises the objectivity of medical research and education, ensuring that new generations of doctors are trained to prioritize pharmaceutical solutions over more natural or holistic approaches.

Pharmaceutical companies are notorious for pushing drugs that are not only expensive but often unnecessary. They spend billions on marketing to convince both doctors and the public that their products are the best, if not the only, option available.

This marketing blitz often includes funding “scientific” studies that, unsurprisingly, always show their products in the best light. The result is a population that is overmedicated and underinformed about the real risks and benefits of the drugs they are taking.

The Longevity Paradox: Cultural Home Remedies vs. Modern Medicine
Dr. Glidden also highlights a fascinating yet disturbing trend: people who adhere to traditional, cultural home remedies often live longer and healthier lives than those who fully embrace modern medical methods.

For instance, in the United States, Hispanics outlive whites by 2.5 years and blacks by 8 years. This longevity has nothing to do with genetics but is instead a testament to the efficacy of non-drug treatments and natural health practices.

These communities often rely on time-tested, natural remedies that have been passed down through generations, eschewing the high-cost, high-risk drugs pushed by Big Pharma.

The superiority of these traditional methods isn’t widely recognized in mainstream medicine, largely because they can’t be patented or monetized in the same way as pharmaceutical drugs. There’s no profit to be made from recommending a balanced diet, regular exercise, or herbal remedies.

Thus, these effective and affordable treatments are marginalized, while the medical industry continues to promote costly and often harmful pharmaceutical solutions.

The Emperor Has No Clothes: The Need for Wholistic Medicine
In his book, The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, Dr. Glidden argues for a reconciliation between ancient methods of holistic medicine and the urgent health needs of our modern world.

This holistic approach emphasizes the body’s natural ability to heal itself, using non-drug treatments that are less invasive and have fewer side effects. Unlike conventional medicine, which often treats symptoms rather than the root cause of illness, holistic medicine seeks to address the underlying issues contributing to a patient’s condition.

This approach is not just a fringe alternative; it offers a viable solution to the healthcare crisis facing many countries, particularly the United States. With healthcare costs spiraling out of control and chronic diseases becoming more prevalent, there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift.

Holistic medicine provides a way forward, offering treatments that are both effective and affordable. It prioritizes patient well-being over corporate profits, aiming to restore health rather than merely managing disease.

The Dark Side of Prescription Drugs: A Modern Epidemic
Prescription drugs, while often necessary, have become a modern epidemic. The over-prescription of these drugs has led to widespread addiction, with opioids being a particularly tragic example. The opioid crisis in the United States has claimed thousands of lives, with many people becoming addicted to painkillers prescribed by their doctors.

This crisis was fueled by pharmaceutical companies aggressively marketing these drugs as safe and non-addictive, despite knowing otherwise. The result has been a public health disaster, with entire communities devastated by addiction and overdose.

The problem extends beyond opioids. Many prescription drugs come with a long list of potential side effects, some of which can be life-threatening. Despite this, doctors often prescribe these medications without fully informing patients of the risks involved.

This lack of transparency is another way in which the medical industry prioritizes profits over patient safety. Patients are kept in the dark about the potential dangers of the drugs they are taking, trusting that their doctors have their best interests at heart.

The False Promise of a Quick Fix: Why We Need a Paradigm Shift
One of the most insidious aspects of modern medicine is the false promise of a quick fix. The pharmaceutical industry and conventional medicine promote the idea that health issues can be solved quickly and easily with a pill or a procedure. This mindset is not only misleading but dangerous. It encourages people to neglect their overall health, relying on medications to manage symptoms rather than making lifestyle changes that could address the root cause of their issues.

Dr. Glidden advocates for a more thoughtful and comprehensive approach to health. This includes considering non-drug treatments and lifestyle changes as the first line of defense against illness. For example, many chronic conditions can be effectively managed or even reversed through diet, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications. These changes require time and effort but offer a more sustainable and healthier solution in the long run.

Embracing a Healthier Future: The Role of Education and Awareness
To combat the stranglehold that Big Pharma and conventional medicine have on our healthcare system, education and awareness are crucial. The public needs to be informed about the risks and limitations of pharmaceutical drugs and the potential benefits of alternative treatments. This requires a concerted effort from independent researchers, healthcare providers, and the media to provide accurate and unbiased information.

Dr. Glidden’s work is a vital part of this educational effort. By exposing the flaws and dangers of the current medical system, he empowers individuals to take control of their health. His emphasis on holistic medicine offers a hopeful alternative, one that prioritizes patient well-being and promotes a more sustainable and humane approach to healthcare.

The time has come for a radical overhaul of our healthcare system. The current model, dominated by Big Pharma and conventional medicine, is failing us. It prioritizes profit over patient care, promotes dangerous and often ineffective treatments, and neglects the potential of holistic and natural remedies. Dr. Peter Glidden’s insights and advocacy provide a roadmap for change, highlighting the need for a more humane and effective approach to healthcare.

This article is a call to action. It’s a call for individuals to educate themselves about their health, question the motives behind medical advice, and explore alternative treatments. It’s a call for healthcare providers to prioritize patient well-being over financial gain and for policymakers to reform a system that is broken and corrupt. Above all, it’s a call to embrace a new paradigm of healthcare, one that is based on compassion, integrity, and a genuine commitment to healing.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

‘Sign of Things to Come’: Singapore Approves 16 Insects for Human Food

Singapore has approved 16 insects as food for humans — becoming the latest country to authorize insect products for human consumption, in what The Guardian described as a move that “paves the way for plates to become wrigglier, leggier and more sustainable” and as “a sign of things to come.”

In a July 8 announcement, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) approved the 16 insects, which include silkworm pupa and mealworm, “With immediate effect.”

“These insects and insect products can be used for human consumption or as animal feed for food producing animals,” the SFA stated.

Countries and entities such as the United Kingdom (U.K.), Australia and the European Union (EU) have already approved some insects for human consumption. However, in the U.S. existing regulations contain few references specifically addressing insects.

This regulatory gap has enabled an ecosystem of “alternative protein” startups to enter the insect food market — with the backing of figures such as Bill Gates and government agencies including the United Nations (U.N.) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the National Science Foundation.

“The United Nations Food And Agricultural Organisation (FAO) continues to promote insect consumption as an environmentally friendly way to get protein in your diet — for both humans and their livestock,” The Guardian reported.

Proponents of insects as food for humans, including the FAO, argue this will help combat climate change, as insects produce a smaller carbon footprint than traditional livestock. But critics challenge this view.

“The justification for insects is to produce protein using fewer inputs: to save the planet by reducing climate change, methane from cows, less pollution,” internist Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, told The Defender. “But just because it is protein doesn’t mean it’s good for us.”

Nass cited parasites that could be spread by insects, difficulties in digesting insects, and common allergies to chitin — commonly found on the exoskeleton of insects.

According to Nass, lax U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, under which many insects can be classified as “Generally Regarded as Safe” (GRAS), “means they don’t require testing” and enables the FDA to “look the other way.” This has opened the door for insect foods to reach consumers.

“How long will it take before we learn whether these foods are safe? It could take generations,” Nass said.

“Advocates for mass consumption of insect-based foods would like you to believe that bugs have been a reliable source of protein for thousands of years,” said Seamus Bruner, author of “Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.”

Bruner, who also is director of research at the Government Accountability Institute, told The Defender:

“While that is true, malnutrition and disease were also endemic and life expectancies were dramatically lower than they are today. The truth is that beef, pork, poultry and other animal-based foods are the most efficient and healthy sources of protein. These climate fanatics pushing insect-based foods are scaring people into adopting less healthy diets.”

Dutch journalist Elze van Hamelen told The Defender that using insect ingredients for pet food also poses a risk to public health, citing a 2019 study that found parasites in 244 of 300 insect farms and pet stores that were investigated.

“Feeding pets with parasite-infested insects, especially pets that do not have the physiology to digest bugs, may not be such a good idea,” van Hamelen said.

Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., author of “The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda,” told The Defender, “The insect craze is intimately connected to the U.N.’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

Rectenwald cited two SDGs: SDG 2, “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture” and SDG 12, “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.”

“’Sustainability’ is code language for coerced reductions in consumption and forced behavioral modifications,” Rectenwald said.

Nass said the U.N., along with the World Economic Forum (WEF), “promote the so-called SDGs, which can supposedly be met if we change our diet.” Yet, “We don’t see the WEF or U.N. attendees eating insects at their meetings.”

Nass suggested that one reason behind the shift to insects as food is “to cause emotional harm: to degrade, debase, downgrade human beings” and that beef is “being demonized,” potentially to “weaken the species.”

“The idea seems to be to get rid of small producers and create a fully industrialized system of food production that CargillConAgraPepsiCo will profit from,” she added.

“Bill Gates claims his investments in alternative proteins are to save the planet,” Bruner said. “What he does not say is that they are part of a strategy to monopolize the protein industry — for profit — as he lobbies to ban animal-based competition.”

Insect Firms in Singapore ‘Educating’ Children About Insects as a Food Source

The 16 insects Singapore’s SFA has approved include “various species of crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, mealworms and silkworms,” The Straits Times reported. According to The Guardian, foods containing insects must clearly label this on the packaging, “to indicate the true nature of the product.”

The Straits Times reported that local restaurant chain House of Seafood is already “cooking up a menu of 30 insect-infused dishes to give customers more choice,” while other firms have begun “educating consumers” — including children — about insects as a food source for humans.

The report cited the example of Altimate Nutrition which, “While waiting for SFA’s regulatory approval … conducted workshops and educational sessions at almost a hundred schools, from pre-schools to institutes of higher learning.”

Surveys conducted after the program found that about 80% of students would be willing to try the insects after they are approved, The Straits Times reported.

But Bruner said other factors are likely at play in Singapore.

The WEF — perhaps the largest driving force behind so-called ‘alternative proteins’ — frequently touts Singapore’s compliance with Agenda 2030, so the decision to prioritize insect-based foods is not surprising,” he said.

EU, U.K., Australia and Other Countries Approve Insects for Consumption

Authorities in the EU, U.K. and Australia, among other countries, have also approved certain insects for human consumption.

Brussels Signal cited Ermolaos Ververis, scientific officer for the European Food Safety Authority Novel Foods Team, who said the EU has authorized six insects: “Alphitobius diaperinus larvae products, dried mealworms, whole and ground yellow mealworms, whole and ground Grasshoppers, whole and ground crickets, and partially defatted Whole Cricket Powder.”

Eight applications are still pending in the EU, where according to EU regulationsfoods containing insects must be clearly labeled.

Brussels Signal reported that under Horizon Europe, a European Commission — the executive branch of the EU funding program for research and innovation — “insect-based proteins are considered one of the key areas of research.”

U.K. authorities have approved four insects for human consumption — yellow mealworm, house cricket, banded cricket and black soldier fly, as “novel foods,” while Australia has approved three species: two varieties of mealworm and a cricket.

According to the FAO, there are more than 1,900 “edible insect species.” However, insects don’t appear to be included in the FAO’s Codex Alimentarius — its international food safety guidelines.

‘Nudging’ the Public Toward Acceptance

Several studies, including a 2020 report by the European Consumer Organisation, a 2021 YouGov poll and a 2022 report by UBA, Germany’s environmental agency, suggest low demand among the public for consuming foods containing insects.

Other studies in 2020 and 2022 suggested people would be more willing to shift their attitudes after being told about the “environmental benefits” of eating insects.

The 2020 study suggested that “nudging” — a behavioral science concept supported by the National Science Foundation — could be used to this end. “As humans are a particularly social species, leveraging the social nature may prove particularly useful,” the study said.

In a 2021 European Food Safety Authority reportGiovanni Sogari, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Food and Drug at the University of Parma in Italy, suggested, “There are cognitive reasons derived from our social and cultural experiences, the so-called ‘yuck factor’, that make the thought of eating insects repellent to many Europeans. With time and exposure such attitudes can change.”

And Lies Hackelbracht, the owner of TOR Royal, an insect production company in Belgium, told Euronews in 2021, “When we are 9 billion people, it won’t be possible to let everybody eat meat, so we have to search for other possibilities with a lot of protein and it can be in plants, but it can also be in insects.”

Bombshell! Big Pharma Exposed: How Big Pharma and Your Doctor Scam You to Death – The Truth About Chemo and Radiation Exposed

Big Pharma Exposed: Discover the sobering truths exposed by Dr. Peter Glidden about the pharmaceutical industry’s deception and the dangers ...