Wednesday, 6 December 2023

The Modern Holodomor is Forming: Food Shortages Are Starting To Become Quite Serious All Over The Planet - Prepare Now While We Still Can

In modern days, economic collapse is one of the most likely disasters that people all over the world must contend with. Even in an economic stronghold such as the United States, the possibility of economic collapse looms large. In fact, many experts predict that the U.S. is due for an economic downturn, the severity of which is yet to be seen. But considering that the fundamental problems behind the last crash were never really fixed, it will probably be pretty bad.

Aside from the financial consequences, though, there are plenty of other scary things that follow in the wake of an economic collapse. Below, we’ll cover some of these frightening possibilities in order to highlight why it is so important to be prepared.

1. Kidnappings Increase

Countries that experience an economic collapse typically see a spike in kidnappings as well. Kidnapping a person of wealth and demanding a ransom is one way for desperate people to acquire money when no other means of acquiring money are available. It isn’t only the wealthy that are at risk, though, as desperate kidnappers will take anyone they can in the hopes that someone will pay the ransom.

2. Pets Go Missing

Even if you can afford to continue feeding your pets during an economic collapse, there’s still no guarantee that they will be safe. Few people have the skills or resources to hunt wild animals when food is scarce. Domesticated animals, however, make for much easier targets. If people eating dogs and cats in order to survive sounds far-fetched, there are plenty of examples that prove otherwise. For example, just look at Venezuela where people are hunting dogs, cats, and pigeons.

3. Water Quality Drops

Private citizens are not the only ones affected by an economic collapse. State and local governments feel the strain of economic downturn as much as anyone, if not more. When the funds simply aren’t available, even some of the local government’s most important duties such as ensuring access to clean drinking water are often neglected.

And even if they do clean the water, they won’t necessarily do a good job. For example, in The Modern Survival Manual, author Fernando Aguirre talks about how after the economic collapse in Argentina, his local water company cut corners by simply dumping lots of chlorine into the water. So much that they issued a warning that the water should not be consumed by children under 3.

4. People Riot In The Streets

When people are desperate and angry, they often start rioting, and these riots can quickly become dangerous as people take advantage of the chaos to get away with all sorts of crimes from robbery to vandalism to murder. If caught up in a riot, it’s essential to make your way to a less crowded area or indoors as soon as possible.

5. Carjackings Become More Common

In desperate times, robbing a person’s car is typically safer than robbing a person’s home since the individual being robbed is much less likely to be armed inside their vehicle than they are inside their home. One common tactic used by carjackers is to throw rocks, bricks, or Molotov cocktails at the windshield of a moving car in order to get the driver to pull over.

If you’re in a dangerous area when this happens, your best course is to just keep driving. Stopping for this tactic, or any other tactic that carjackers use (such as standing in the middle of the road to try to make you stop) could prove incredibly dangerous.

6. Hospitals Become Overcrowded

Due to factors such as no garbage pickups, unclean drinking water, the spread of disease, inability to afford medications, and a spike in violent crimes, people tend to visit hospitals much more frequently during an economic collapse. This leads to hospitals becoming overcrowded and unable to take care of everyone who walks through the door. Oftentimes, people die while waiting for treatment that would have saved their lives.

7. Gasoline is Rationed

In the wake of an economic collapse, going to the gas station to fill up may not be a possibility. Gasoline will likely be rationed, if it’s even available in your area. Of course, without gasoline, escaping a dangerous location or situation becomes much more difficult. If you depend on gasoline to run a generator after the power goes out, not having gasoline could be an even bigger problem.

8. Banks Close

One of the first things people do when the economy collapses is rush to the bank in order to withdraw all their funds. One thing many people don’t realize, though, is that banks don’t keep enough cash on hand to pay out anywhere close to the amount of money they owe. When there’s a run on the banks, banks simply close their doors, leaving people unable to access the money that is rightfully theirs. An event like this could lead to panic and a sudden uptick in crime.

9. Terrorist Attacks Become More Frequent

Should the U.S. economy collapse, the country’s enemies will be left smelling blood in the water, especially if hyperinflation or lack of funds force us to withdraw from countries like Afghanistan all at once. Emboldened by the country’s economic ruin, terrorists are likely to ramp up their attacks. In addition to increased terror attacks, there is also the possibility that America’s more powerful enemies such as North Korea and Russia may see the country’s economic collapse as a chance to strike us while we’re weak.

10. Gang Activity Increases

Left with few other options, more and more people turn to criminal activity during an economic collapse. In addition to desperation, another factor fueling gang activity during times of economic downturn is the fact that gangs know the city will have fewer resources available to combat their activities. Of course, with increased gang activity comes increased danger in the streets as rival gangs fight for control of territory in a time when making money is more important than ever.

11. Interstate Trucking Halts

Factors such as an oil embargo or a massive increase in robberies could grind interstate trucking to a halt in the event of an economic collapse. Unable to rely on trucks for transportation, stores would quickly run out of food and other essential supplies, leaving people who do not have supplies of their own stored up with few options for survival.

12. Martial Law is Enacted

In an attempt to curb some of the violence and chaos that ensues after an economic collapse, the government will likely enact martial law and turn over the governance of the people to the police and military. In some ways, this could make life safer in extremely desperate times. In other ways, though, it would rob you of your most fundamental rights and create a power-grab that the government may never come back from.

13. People Eat Almost Anything To Survive

Imagine being so hungry that you resort to eating a dead rat you found in the trash. Food Shortages Are Starting To Become Quite Serious All Over The Planet. They’re even slaughtering zoo animals for food. If it happened there, it can happen here.

Hopefully, by now you realize the importance of being prepared for disaster.

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

The Collapse of Our World Plays Out Before Our Eyes as the Lying Political Rats, Are Demonically Infested by the Father of Lies! The Plain Truth Can Often Be So Obvious as to Be Invisible

In a world such as this, where every freedom is being relinquished, where every aspect of life is being controlled, where every state threat is a lie, where every truth is avoided; what will become of man? Power and control over large populations can only be achieved over time, and initially in smaller steps, but as the progression of tyranny consumes the majority, extreme force will be more easily accepted. All totalitarian systems rely on voluntary servitude in order to exist, because there are so many more of us than them. Once this state of willing cowardice and indifference claims the population like a ‘Necessary War,’ this mass sickness of society will consume itself, and all that will remain will be a life of slavery and misery; due to dependence on the very masters who brought about the plot to control the people.

The plain truth can often be so obvious as to be invisible.

There are so many obstacles to change on the scale we so desperately need.

We are fast reaching a point that no humans can or will be able to understand the world we live in.

We pass this way just once.

Artificial algorithms are taking over.

Yuval Noah Harari in his latest book ( 21 lessons for the 21st Century) puts his finger on the problem.

” In the coming century biotech and infotech will give us the power to manipulate the world inside us and reshape ourselves, but because we don’t understand our own minds, the changes we will make might upset our mental system to such an extent that it too might brake down.

Surely its time we stop being the free fodder that feds big data. It’s much harder to struggle against irrelevance than against exploitation.

What will be the point to education if algorithms make us redundant?

It is difficult to discern world-wise whether there is any sincere conversation on AI Ethics.

Is it being addressed by any of the big tech companies or are they just giving token nods to what is right or wrong, while taking advantage of all human beings out there?

Are there just pushback from the outside organisations.

What we are witnessing is their profit growth with economic disparity worldwide increases at a starting rate. This certainly rings true if one looks at the state of the world with people judged by their wealth.

So what is the ethics of creating a sentient life form on a planet that is burning?

Perhaps it will be for the best if we continue not to understand the planet we all live on and leave it to AI to sort us out.

Or can we now start contributing to better governance solutions?

If we don’t grasp the nettle soon there will be no coming back.

To have any relevance now and in the future, we need billions to take to the streets to demand the sustainability of our planet (Human vote with their feet, not Social media) before profit-making goes underground.

When it comes to making the world a better place, corporations are often accused of apathy (the flip-side of blind self-interest). But if consumers are truly committed to social change, they must answer the same challenge.

If we can get consumers to make mindful shopping choices, to support brands that act responsibly and to purchase goods from those that dedicate a portion of the sale proceeds to causes, we are well on our way to re-purposing everyday purchases.

We are the first generation to know we’re destroying the world, and we could be the last that can do anything about it.


We need to recognize that everything we do, every step we take, every sentence we write, every word we speak—or don’t speak—counts. Nothing is trivial.

Take personal responsibility.

We need to use social media – this is one of the most effective ways to get brands to listen to you, so tell them that you want a change.


Because, unfortunately, the politicians who dominate the world stage are, depressingly, mostly cut from the old cloth, and the leadership challenges they face, are particularly complex and will require different skills — notably a clearer vision among leaders of organisation’s shared purpose.

Because the digital revolution is far from over the pace of change only seems to be quickening when in fact it is causing isolation. 

Because, we are allowing non-regulated large technology platforms to become too powerful, using their size to dominate markets and we are not paying enough attention to how the tools they create can be used for ill –  like device addictions, as we drown in notifications and false news feed posts.

Because there is an increasing imperative for all of us to respond to climate change.  Which will and is challenging our lives developing on a daily bases right in front of our eyes into our biggest need to act as one.

Monday, 4 December 2023

The Wake-Up Call: The Problems We Face Continue to Pile Up and Doing Nothing is Not an Option if You Expect to Survive the Next Few Years Intact

What does it take to make you sit up and take notice of the problems surrounding society today? What will it take to make you respond to the many crises taking place today? You have eyes so you can see and ears so you can hear but for many people, any negative news is a reason to tune out the world and only think good thoughts.

The problems we face continue to pile up and doing nothing is not an option if you expect to survive the next few years intact. Prior planning and execution of a plan are now required to stay out of the flood zone when the dam breaks and everyone starts to drown. It does not matter what kind of person you are. You have to be able to save yourself before you have the ability to help others including your own family.

You cannot protect your family if you cannot protect yourself from dangerous situations or people. You cannot protect your family if you are too weak from lack of water or food to get others to safety. You cannot protect your family from the elements if you have no cover for them due to the sudden loss of your shelter. 

You have car insurance just in case you have an automobile accident. You have health insurance just in case you get sick. You have life insurance to help your family just in case you die. You have homeowners insurance just in case your home is destroyed. There is unemployment insurance just in case you lose your job.

So where is your food insurance just in case you cannot find any food in the store? Where is your personal protection insurance just in case you are threatened and cannot depend on the police? Where is your water insurance just in case your water supply is shut off or becomes contaminated? Where is your communication insurance just in case the power is out and normal systems do not work? Where is your energy insurance just in case energy supplies are cut off and you need to drive to safety, cook your food or stay warm?

People think that the types of insurance for cars, health, home, and life are just fine to have but the other ones listed are crazy and paranoid to think about. Even in the first case, your insurance policies depend on other people to fulfill them and those people depend on a system that is still functioning such as the banks, communications, and the insurance company itself. So what happens to all those other types of insurance when the insurers themselves are no longer functioning. Any crisis that takes down the stock market, power grid, or the banks will also take down all of the insurance companies.

The events of the past few weeks should have been a warning shot across the bow for many. Our financial and distribution systems are in a delicate balancing act right now and any sudden shifts could send them tumbling off the cliff rendering the services they perform extinct in a matter of hours. When that happens it will be too late to think about what you should have done when you still had the opportunity. 

You cannot get your money out of the bank after the doors are shut, the ATM is empty and the POS systems are no longer working. You cannot get the food you need after the stores have been cleaned out and the distribution system has stopped functioning. You cannot get fuel for your car after the gas stations are empty and deliveries have been suspended. You cannot get police help when everyone calls 911 at the same time and most of the police have gone home to protect their own families.

If your alarm bells have not gone off already what will it take for you to realize you are in serious trouble? When that finally happens what do you plan to do to protect and care for your family? Having no plan means having a plan to suffer and persist through unpleasant situations for no good reason. Not knowing something is excusable but you have been warned many times in the past few years and to have to suffer in the future because you did not know what was coming is no longer an excuse. Failure to prepare at this time will not only cost you but will likely put an unnecessary burden on those that will have to help you in the future.

The warnings continue to go out. The situation continues to deteriorate. The mass of humanity continues to go about its normal daily business. The Earth continues to rotate with no chance of going back from here. The early warning alarms have sounded advising people to take a defensive stance just in case. Do you hear the alarms yet or have you hit the snooze button for a few more minutes of sleep?

So far in this plot to subdue and take over humanity, much has been lost. There is little freedom left, and what there is has been restricted and is constantly monitored, because any act of individuality or independence is now viewed as an uprising and is a bane to the state. Mass censorship of any opinion or truth concerning this scam is rampant. Everything of value is being destroyed, and speech has in most cases literally been disappeared. When the government and its fascist partnered henchmen hide or erase all free speech, what is left is tyranny. Families are being systematically decimated, and the purposeful spread of hatred is promoted at every level of society by the controlled media and the governing gang of criminals. The entirety of this government can only be described as an organized crime but is much more sinister and criminal than any mafia. This is what this pathetic population has created for itself, and blame should be placed on all those that continue to worship this nation-state and adhere to its evil demands.

Human nature is on trial today, and for very good reason. It is the human that controls his own fate. It is the human that allows others to control his thought and actions. It is the human that cowers in the face of adversity. It is the human that worships the state as God. It is the human that acquiesces to the demands of tyrants. It is the human that fails to protect the innocent. It is the human that applauds war. It is the human that causes his own and all other’s misery.

In conclusion, you may take this to heart, or you may ignore the warnings. You may continue to wallow in indifference. You may run and hide. You may cover your emotionless face with a mask. You may watch your family die in seclusion. You may turn in your neighbors to ‘authorities.’ You may follow every rule. You may in fact die at the hands of this heinous state.

Or you may curse this writer. This rant is for all or none; I care not anymore about those that have chosen to harm freedom!

Friday, 1 December 2023


Recognizing that communism didn’t end with the fall of the Berlin Wall, former President Trump said in a speech, “…we will fight the onslaught of radicalism, socialism, and indeed it all leads to communism once and for all.”

Not only does Trump understand that communism is not dead, he perceives that this foreign and alien ideology is in control of the Democratic Party.

As we take pride in America, we have to recognize what has America become – and what is it becoming. For that answer, read the Communist Manifesto and take note of the fact that literally dozens of communist groups operate on American soil, in open violation of the Communist Control Act, which is still on the books. (It was introduced by a Democrat, Senator Hubert Humphrey, and signed by a Republican president, Dwight Eisenhower.)

The Marxists see the U.S. as a society based on slavery which has since become the leading capitalist nation and must therefore be “transformed” into socialism on the road to communism. Hence, we currently see Marxists and their fellow travelers refer to slavery as the basis for American capitalism and the need for reparations.

This is what Democrats call “progressive” ideology.

Looking at this through Marxist eyes, the U.S. developed beyond an economic system based on slavery to be in the current stage between capitalism and socialism, what is called the highest stage of capitalism. This is when the Marxists capture the major organs of finance capital, major corporations, and the means of communication.

The centralization of the means of communications in the hands of the state, a key plank of the Communist Manifesto, is being implemented in the United States under the one-party state now in power. We are literally living through a “world revolution,” which is why I started the publication, “World Revolution Report,” to open the eyes of Americans to our fate as a country.

This fact was impressed upon me personally when, on the eve of July 4th, my anti-communist videos, some 500,were banned by YouTube, which is part of Google. They were eliminated from the platform all at once. I know other conservatives have been censored in this way, but my videos represented decades of anti-communist study and research. My channel was anti-communist from start to finish.

This development, which means thousands of my subscribers no longer have access to these videos as well, further represents the consolidation of a communist dictatorship in America, with control by the Marxist elites over the key means of communication.

We can debate whether the elites believe in Marxism or not. What is clear that they view Marxist strategy and tactics as political winners. The World Revolution is happening.

I believe I was targeted not for videos that questioned Biden’s election as president but those about the illegitimate presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

My “crime” in the eyes of Big Media was challenging the legitimacy of the current one-party state, the China Joe Administration, and still raising legitimate questions about Barack Hussein Obama’s background and history. On this basis, my videos on related topics, such as Cultural Marxism, were removed.

To understand our predicament, consider that Obama’s August 19, 2020, address, at the Democratic National Convention, on behalf of Biden, was the clearest indication that Obama was working for a third presidential term. He wanted to use Biden as a front for the ultimate capture of state power for revolutionary purposes. It’s Obama, not Biden, running the show.

What’s interesting, according to filmmaker and researcher Joel Gilbert, is that Obama wants to replace Biden in 2024 with his wife, Michelle. It would be a clever Marxist move.

Some on the Fox News Channel assure us that the cavalry is coming, meaning the Republicans will take back Congress in November. But many Fox News personalities refuse to discuss shenanigans in the 2020 presidential election and openly promote the homosexual lifestyle and movement that has led to the problem of transgenderism in schools.

Fox News viewers have never been told that the founder of the gay rights movement, Harry Hay, wore dresses, got involved in the occult, and advocated for the “rights” of the North American Man-Boy Love Association. My group got his FBI file through a Freedom of Information Act request.

All major institutions of society, including the conservative establishment and the churches, are tainted by know-nothings, fakes, and fraudsters.

Channels like Fox and Big Media Tech monopolies such as Google serve the state, the Biden regime, by censoring any content which casts doubt on the legitimacy of that regime. That’s how I “violated” YouTube’s community guidelines.

But one censored video, my interview with well-known conservative author Jack Cashill, was not exclusively about the fraudulent nature of the 2020 election. We had a lengthy discussion of how Barack Hussein Obama was elected using a stolen Social Security number.

YouTube does not permit discussions like this. That particular video was cited for violating YouTube’s policy against “misinformation.”

What has changed over time, as the World Revolution continues gobbling up country after country, is that China has become the leader of the world communist movement, replacing the Soviet Union/Russia. Eventually, according to the Marxist theory of history, America will become a communist state and then be integrated into the China-dominated New World Order.

However, Russia is still playing a major role, as we have seen in Europe with the invasion of Ukraine and Biden’s no-win response, dragging on for five months now.

On Fox, the “conservative” channel, one of the only independent voices, who refuses to follow the establishment Republican line, is Tucker Carlson. However, he has completely misjudged Russia’s intentions and features left-wingers such as Glenn Greenwald.

Resisting censorship, conservatives must identify the communists and their fellow travelers for what they are. Calling this “woke capitalism” or “cancel culture” won’t suffice. And denouncing “McCarthyism” only confuses people about the need for congressional internal security committees to expose and identify communists.

Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking official ever to defect from the former Soviet bloc, provided a statement for one of my conferences on the significance of the Obama presidency, saying, “I walked in Marxist moccasins for many years, and I can see how President Obama could have bought into the siren call of Marxism…”

That siren call has been accepted by so many in the United States that some might say the end is near – or fast approaching.

The cavalry, if it comes, must understand the nature of the World Revolution we find ourselves in. The solution lies in the strategy of dialectical reversal, used by President Ronald Reagan when he fought the communists in Hollywood and then on the world stage. On domestic matters, this one-time former pro-abortion politician had a reversal of his own, becoming a strong pro-life advocate and commenting, “Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves.  Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide.”

In a comment that symbolized dialectical reversal of the terms of the abortion debate, he famously remarked, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has​already been born.”

Legal abortion, like many of the other evils in society, originated in Soviet Russia.