Friday, 26 August 2022

THIS IS WHAT GLOBALISM IS ALL ABOUT: We are now in transition to this exact type of society, where the few control all through very aggressive and restrictive governmental and technocratic method

The Marxist position concerning the social nature of man as opposed to the individual is fatally flawed if decency, respect, morality, and freedom are sought, regardless of the lie that Communism is for the benefit of the people. Once the individual is sacrificed and is forced to conform to the wishes of society, any system of decency breaks down. In other words, rule based on the majority position, and administered or “made to coincide with the interest (so-called) of humanity,” that referred to as the group called society, necessitates force and aggression from either societal or state enforcement, and therefore negates all that is right.

There are many ways to build and control what could be classified as a proletariat society, and all of them require the elimination of the individual. Marx’s words and ‘beliefs’ bear this out in no uncertain terms. In today’s world, most all efforts to destroy independent thought, normal or considered natural behavior, tradition, family, and honest history, are steeped in Neo-Marxist techniques, which cause unlimited division, hatred, antagonistic existence, and a tearing down and elimination of all past history and moral beliefs. This is the state of affairs in the U.S. today, as total chaos has come to the forefront due not to proper anarchical principles which are based on individual freedom, but due to Neo-Marxist and communistic ideology advanced through psychological and aggressive means, and supported by the ruling class.

At this time in history, the common people are but mere illiterate pawns in this game of power and control; so much so as to be the responsible foundation of the destruction of man. This is an untenable reality about our situation, as the very people claiming a desire for freedom and ‘equality,’ have destroyed any chance of liberty by accepting what can be referred to as blind collectivism leading to Communism. This wording might seem somewhat confusing, but mass collectivism cannot exist without a communistic mentality by the majority, and without communistic ideology, unadulterated collectivism in any free society is not conceivable in my view.

The human animal is certainly social, (not as in the view of Marx) and this helps to solidify our need for common association in order to satisfy our need for each other, and to better function and survive, but once that social bonding becomes forced or mandatory; and becomes ‘legally’ ordered, a new paradigm of totalitarianism is born.

Regardless of the contradiction concerning Communist ideology, the Neo-Marxist system is based on two very distinct existing classes; the large class of propertyless workers (commoners) consisting of the entirety of the masses, and the elite class, or state heads, who are exempt from all the societal rules and regulations, and own and control all the property. As mentioned, this is in direct contrast to the basis of Communism as described by Marx, which would result in the people seizing through violent revolt from the oppressing bourgeoisie, all wealth and means of production. In most cases, the people seeking Communism allege to want to eliminate the class system in order to achieve total equality and utopia for all, but in essence, they bring about by their submission to power, the exact situation they pretend to detest. By embracing the state and its power as partners in efforts to destroy all traditional society to affect desired ‘change,’ the resulting new state is simply the opposite of the so-called pretended agenda sought. This is where the left side of the left/right divide, negates all claimed ambitions of eliminating class structure in favor of a ruling class over society. This can only be due to indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity.

We are now in transition to this exact type of society, where the few control all through very aggressive and restrictive governmental and technocratic methods, and remain completely outside and separate from the masses in every way. This is what globalism is all about; one completely separate ruling class and all the rest slaves. This is the system being built, and once fully achieved, it will be nearly impossible to destroy.

Consider our current circumstances, and what has been allowed to replace our traditional society based on the natural right to life; leading to freedom, property ownership by the individual, family, free speech, and the right to defend oneself from any aggression. These things have disappeared almost entirely, and have been replaced with communistic terror in the form of Neo-Marxism at the hands of the controlling class, the state, and all those supporting the state.

We live in a world turned upside down, where everything of value has become taboo, while the opposite has become the mainstay of this sorry society of mindless drones. Family and morality are looked down upon, while unbridled exuberance toward the immoral is embraced. This attitude is now widespread, and was not accidental, as the whole idea of Neo-Marxism is meant to destroy the memory of all the past in favor of establishing a new order based on communistic ideology bent on the destruction of accepted long-term norms. Obviously, change can at times be good, but in this case, it seems that the good is only being traded for the bad.

Currently, transexual behavior is presented by the state and media as ‘normal,’ and in a disgustingly myriad of forms. This notion is pushed in the faces of all who have any exposure to any form of media, ‘education,’ or government indoctrination efforts, as if it was honestly apparent in every human situation. This is asinine. The same is true of how homosexuality is presented, and every other form of this type of behavior. What people choose to do voluntarily, and without harm to others, and without intimidation, or aggression toward another, is one thing, but any expectation or initiation of forced acceptance is patently wrong.

Society as a whole has been inundated with the false assumption that everything not normal is normal. It is no different with the ridiculous ‘racism’ lie. There have always been racists, and there always will be, because that is the nature of a minority of the population, and has always been present in man. It is not relegated just to white; in fact, it is apparent to some degree in every culture. It is a cross-culture phenomenon. It has been purposely made to seem to be targeting only a few groups, and falsely labeled as terror against all state-chosen minorities, when in reality, it is less obvious than it has ever been in history. The biggest change has been the isolation of racism to certain groups meant only to cause hatred and division due to the state’s agenda of control. What is evident, is that hatred of all against all is rampant, and that cannot be labeled as due to one’s personal preferences, but to a plotted result by the ruling ‘elites.’

There is also intentional government promotion and acceptance of atrocious criminal behavior by evil groups like BLM and Antifa, and certain others as well. This behavior is justified by the state in order to gain more control over all by normalizing atrocious behavior by the few who are being used to instill fear so as to cause societal disorder. This is all part of the plot of this totalitarian regime.

Most all of the enforcement arms of government are on board with this evil, and purposely stage, participate in, and intentionally allow constant acts of terror to be prevalent throughout society. This is evident in the allowance and prosecution of intimidation, criminal behavior, police state brutality, allowed rioting and property destruction, mass shootings, especially against children, which creates much more psychological and emotional response from those who are sought to be ruled over and controlled. These are all meant to advance particular state agendas.

Of the many sub-plots of this world takeover agenda, illegitimate manmade ‘climate change’ will remain the primary focus. The ‘virus, scams will continue, as will the drive for central bank digital currencies, digitizing all transactions, ‘vaccine’ passports, supply chain disruptions, manufactured food shortages, energy regulations and energy use restrictions, carbon limit restrictions, water mandates, more promotion of gender insanity, and certainly much more extreme propaganda concerning the ‘wonder’ of depraved behavior.

All this and much more, including horrific false-flag attacks and events by the government and its henchmen, are coming this fall and winter in my opinion, and with it the likely possibility of civil unrest, civil war, hot war, and martial law. Prepare yourselves for hell on earth, as the globalists continue their assault against us, as the masses have not yet decided to do anything of value to help themselves or stop this onslaught against humanity.

“What is morality, she asked.
Judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, and courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price. ”

Wednesday, 17 August 2022


Playing down the potential worst effects of global heating and climate breakdown is nothing less than climate appeasement.

It does nothing to help spur the urgent action that is required, and by underplaying the climate threat, works – intentionally or not – to encourage a grudging and cautionary approach to emissions cuts that we simply can no longer afford.

If we can encourage the green shoots and return to vigorous growth or leaders assume everything will be honky dory.   This is utter bollox.  As it is nature that will decide the outcome. It’s up to the planet to handle what we have created.

International negotiations on climate change have been going on for over 20 years. The vast majority of governments now agree that urgent steps are needed to reduce our impact on global warming.

So far, they have failed to sign up to a universal plan of action.

It is now more than obvious that we humans are only capable of acting on a limited scale as individual countries and it is now already too late to prevent terrible damage and the resulting consequence’s.

So we can only use our ingenuity to manage the consequence’s. 

Climate is sometimes mistaken for weather.  It is not weather it is everything that makes weather.

So far, during this decade, we have seen no sign whatsoever that real climate action is coming and that has to change.  Instead while the earth fries we are more interested in growth, the cost of living, and we need now more than ever to be told the whole story – warts and all because the human influence which is happening now is changing at a much faster rate then we think. 

 But is that the truth too bleak for general consumption?

If drastic, life-changing, action is being mooted, people need to know – have a right to know.


Because people simply don’t place their daily behaviours in an environmental context. 

Humans have destroyed a tenth of Earth’s remaining wilderness in the last 25 years.

Whether we like it or not here is what to come.

Once we pass a certain threshold, physics takes over.

We are approaching a critical tipping point that could spin global warming completely out of control with no possibility of reversing developments.

The pace and degree of climate change are about more than just anthropogenic emissions. It is now about tipping points and feedback loops.

Suddenly, climate change has ceases to be something vaguely inconvenient that we can leave future generations to deal with. Instead, it becomes far more of an immediate threat capable of tearing our world apart.

Wildfires are devastating hundred  of thousand of acres, even happing where you might least expect them – the boreal forests that encircle the globe in the Arctic North, for example, have in recent years experienced wildfires at a rate and scale not seen in at least 10,000 years.” 

Sudden changes in the behaviour of ice sheets, carbon sources and sinks, and ocean currents, are accelerate warming and its consequences go way beyond the expected.

Extreme heat and heatwaves have happened since the beginning of time, but across the board.  Climate change is making heatwaves more common, severe, and long-lasting. As seas get warmer, they add more water vapor and heat energy into the atmosphere. This extra heat and water, just happens to be the perfect fuel for hurricanes and in the right conditions, can make dangerous storms even more powerful.

In 2007, for example, water scarcity, crop failures and livestock deaths stemming in part from climate-related drought drove an estimated 1.5 million people to the cities from rural areas in Syria, helping spark the horrifying civil war that displaced millions more.

It is beginning to look as though a climate-changed jet stream is driving conditions that lead to episodes of extreme weather being ‘locked in’, so that both their intensity and duration are elevated. 

Nearly 20,000 species of plants and animals are at a high risk of extinction and if trends continue, Earth could see another mass extinction event within a few centuries.

Viruses love hot dry conditions to thrive and climate change will ideal conditions for waterborne pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, which flourish in warmer waters.

Oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, and sea level is rising.

Changes in the patterns and amount of rainfall, as well as changes in the timing and amount of stream flow, can affect water supplies and water quality and the production of hydroelectricity.

The homes of 200 million people will be below sea level in 70 years.

At least 155 million people were pushed into acute food insecurity in 2020 due to extreme weather.

What’s clear is that the climate we are accustomed to is no longer a reliable guide for what to expect in the future.

Change Is Not Merely An Environmental Problem.

Anyone still convinced that climate change is purely an environmental problem should open there eyes.  

Migration on an unprecedented scale in areas of already high tension; drought and crop-failure, leading to intensified competition for food, water and energy in regions where resources are already stretched to the limit.  (And economic disruption on the scale predicted in the 2006 Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, and not seen since the end of the Second World War.)

 “This will not be the first time people have fought over land, water and resources, but this time it will be on a scale that dwarfs the conflicts of the past”, an unstable climate will create the very kind of tensions and conflicts for this to happen.

For too long, we have been waging a senseless and suicidal war on nature. 


Notwithstanding the unlikelihood of achieving net zero global emissions in a little more than three decades “climate change is a threat that can bring us together if we are wise enough to stop it from driving us apart”.,

If we don’t take collective action and protect our Mother Earth, the forthcoming generation might not be able to see it. The earth is precious and we need to save it from destruction.

Unfortunately the solutions have become perceived as a problem by the moneyman!

They tend to try to make us believe that the solutions will bring down the economy! 

Let me tell them, it is coming for your wine, your coffee beans, and your ill founded gains … as well as for your health and safety. The cost of inaction on climate change is predicted to reach a staggering $44 trillion. There will be no economy by 2060.The dry, salt-crusted Lake Poopo. Poorly irrigated land, logging or evaporation can cause desertification. The amount ...


Science speaks for itself as to whether it is convincing or not, but what climate change will mean is not determined by the science but our relationship with the larger reality of climate change.

The real problem is that our relationship is presently putting humanity at the centre rather then a common consensus on what reality is and how it all came about. 

The Egyptian in the days of Pharaohs tied our existence to the stars. the Hebrews had god already on the scene while the Greeks philosophers invented the founding idea of science and by the middle ages the nature of the Universe was no longer a topic of debate.    

This relationship is now unfortunately driven by inequality and technology, resulting in a complete upheaval of reality on a mental and social transformations, as one picture is replaced by another. 

Are our societies primed to re-envision our planet?   Not yet!

There is one thing that is certain all organisms must bend to the forces of nature.

We will unable replant a new ecosystem returning to a primeval slug. 

So the overriding question is to figure out how we humans might fit into the story. 

Monday, 15 August 2022

The Free World: Fake Pandemic. Real Slavery. Radical Decentralization; The War For Hearts And Minds

It all starts with the IDEA of the germ. Once people buy the idea and the story, everything follows. The planners build the story of the germ for a hundred years, so it transmits fear, and then one day they use it to spring the trap.

Fake pandemic. Real slavery.

The truth is, we’re far stronger than any germ or any tale about a germ.

Dozing off thinking about the tale and the trap and what it’s brought to our door, I had a dream. Went something like this—

“South Carolina is happy to report the stunning success of our new treatment law. As you know, three years ago, we certified a bill allowing ANY healing method to be practiced on consenting adults, for any condition, so long as that method was not destructive. The result? A flood of practitioners and patients moving to our state. Our economy has nearly tripled in size. We are awash in new prosperity…”

New York: “Curfews must be more drastic. Only protesters and rioters will be permitted on streets after 2PM. We are issuing four color codes. Green, blue, yellow, and gray. They tell you when you may appear in public to pick up your food for the month at our government-dispensing canned goods centers. State income taxes are hereby raised to forty percent of gross earnings. All churches are permanently closed. Stop moving to South Carolina. If you do, you can never come back…”

“Nevada is announcing a new form of state money. Anyone who moves here will automatically be given four thousand dollars in casino chips, and a free hotel room for seven weeks. Masks and social distancing are forbidden. Vaccination is entirely voluntary. Anyone forcing a vaccine on another will be buried up to his neck in the desert, his face smeared with honey…”

Oregon: “The marijuana state is now entirely collective. No more private residences. Everyone must live in a commune of at least 60 persons. In each commune, the profits from growing pot will be equally divided among all members. No guns are permitted in the state. To achieve our goal of the cleanest air in the nation, cars are allowed on roads only between the hours of 7-9AM and 4-6PM. Trucks loaded with weed may move product at all hours. Come live with us.”

Maryland: “Our state is run by a consortium of mega-corporations and intelligence agencies. Everyone works for these organizations. There are no small businesses. Move here. You’ll be guaranteed a job after four weeks of training. Housing included. Stop fighting the Man. We are the Man. Free vaccinations.”

California: “Have you always yearned to be a Communist? Come to Cal. We’ve got Stasi, KGB, real-time satellite surveillance covering every inch of the state, as well as free Snitch Training. Unlimited immigration from all countries. We care. We have zero unemployment. Everyone works for the government. Are you wanted for offenses in other states or nations? No background checks. Warning: selling off-the-books black market items without paying sales tax is punishable by death.”

Idaho: “Free market economy. Make and sell just about anything. No state taxes. Gun rights guaranteed. All property is private. No welfare. Our cops only care about two offenses—encroaching on another’s freedom, and selling overtly harmful products. Public education is canceled. Only home and small community schooling are allowed. Want to make your own way? Idaho is the place for you.”

Illinois: “We are now a monarchy. As the hub for all street drugs distributed throughout the US and Canada, our king is chosen by the Sinaloa Cartel. Our police forces are gangs. We have disbanded our court systems. Personal and business protection is for sale. If you want to ‘live the life,’ move to Illinois. Free ballet lessons.”

Wyoming: “It took a long revolution to expel the former state government. In our free market economy, two prominent industries have emerged—hydrogen-powered car manufacturing/refitting, and water turbines for energy production. Our sales are soaring. Through state taxes agreed upon in a recent state referendum, we are financing research into several suppressed methods of energy innovation. Every citizen must own a gun, and must receive training in how to use it. Don’t move here expecting a free ride. Career criminals from other states—don’t even think about it. We’ll find you and root you out.”

New Jersey: “Our new state motto is ‘Graft, Gossip, and Waste Management.’ Our highway tolls are the highest in the nation. We are on permanent lockdown. If you want to pretend you’re important and have no credentials of any kind, move here and join us. The southern half of the state is being built out as one giant hospital complex, to treat and house those from the northern half. Free health coverage. Wear a badge of honor for each medical or psychiatric diagnosis.”

Massachusetts: “Aside from hospitals and Harvard global money laundering, our largest industry is selling rewrites of history to colleges. The American Revolution never happened. John Adams was an ambulance chasing personal injury lawyer. Thoreau was a petty criminal, fishing without a license. Plymouth Rock was once a popular form of cocaine trafficked along the east coast…”

Within two generations, New York and California turn into patchwork quilts of sparsely populated farm land and urban hell holes.

A declared woo-woo pandemic in one state is nothing more than a joke in another.

Enforced and fake togetherness dissolves like sugar in water.

—As I started to wake up, I wondered, is this a good dream or a bad dream? A voice said, “Decentralization of power is good, but you can’t control how it works out. If you could, YOU’D be the central power.”

I fell back asleep.

I was standing on a street corner in a city. In the distance, buildings were burning. A crowd marched toward me, broadcasting waves of fear.

They stopped moving. A platform rose up and a speaker in a mask fiddled with a mic stand. Silence.

“This is our place,” he said. Calm voice. “Just remember, it’s free.”

He looked over at me. He lifted his mask for a second, then put it back.

It was Mao Zedong. Chairman Mao. He told the quiet crowd, “I’ve got money. Rockefeller money. You understand, right? We’re going to start over. We’ve got important friends. We’ll use them and keep them safe for a while. In the new Republic, everything is free. You work for it, but it’s free. You don’t get ahead on your own. That’s over. You’re my troops. We’re burning down the northeastern United States and taking the land.”


“It’s freedom,” he said. “Forget all your old causes. Forget why you came here. It doesn’t matter anymore. We’re new. We’re finally getting justice. You know what justice is? Rice. Growing rice. That’s all. Everyone works. Everyone bends over and works, from the lowliest drug addict to a fat old Congresswoman, to the President, everyone works the soil, and admits their guilt. Their sins. After six generations, their descendants can be raised up. They’ll be clean. No taint left. That’s the new world. That’s what you’ve been fighting for. No more privilege.”

Suddenly, I was standing outside my house in the dark night.

There was somebody out there. I couldn’t see who he was.

He spoke. “Don’t let them take everything away. You have no idea how many of us there are. We’re not going to let this happen.”

Friday, 12 August 2022

We Are Heading Into The Worst Global Food Crisis: The Bad News is That, While Inflation is Already at Dangerous Levels, It Looks Like It Could Get a Lot Higher

The USA has a few problems, but the one on everyone’s minds right now is inflation. Rising prices mean our income buys less and our savings are losing value.

Families that used to have disposable income to save or buy luxuries are now struggling to pay for essentials like housing, rent or gas.

In June US inflation reached 9.1%, the highest rate since 1983. It’s fallen back slightly since then, thanks to a dip in gas prices, but it’s almost certain to climb again – and it could go a lot higher.

Why Is Inflation Surging?

Economists are arguing about exactly why inflation is so high right now, but most agree that several factors have combined to push prices through the roof.

Supply Chain Issues

A global supply chain crisis started developing last year, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic that affected the whole world.

At the height of the pandemic, many factories were producing much less than normal or had even shut down completely.

This created shortages of many goods, although the shortage didn’t become obvious at first because, with tens of millions of people temporarily out of work, demand for many items fell. Now demand is back, but until all the factories are running normally again there aren’t enough goods for everyone who wants to buy them.

One of the most basic rules of economics is the law of supply and demand. This says that if more people want to buy an item (demand) than there are items available (supply), the price will rise until supply and demand are equal.

The principle is simple: However many people are willing to pay $10 for a product, slightly fewer are willing to pay $11 for it. At the same time, slightly more are willing to pay $9. In a free market economy, prices adjust to match supply and demand. The problem is that shortages push prices up, causing inflation.

Since the end of the pandemic unemployment in the USA has fallen to a historic low, just 3.6%. This means more people are working than ever before, and that pushes demand up.

Low Interest Rates

It might not feel like it if you have a mortgage, but since the 2008 financial crisis it’s been very cheap to borrow money. Low interest rates make sense when you’re trying to stimulate an economic recovery after a crisis. The problem is that once the crisis is over, low interest rates overheat the economy – and that causes inflation.

When interest is low people, and governments, tend to borrow money to spend on things they don’t really need. When people do that the result is increased demand, and then inflation. When governments do it more money gets pumped into the economy, demand goes up and, again, we get inflation.

The Federal Reserve has finally recognized that interest rates have been too low for too long, and has started pushing them up again – but that’s going to be painful for anyone with debt, which is most of us.

Higher mortgage and credit card repayments will leave us less money to buy things, which should reduce demand and bring inflation down, but falling disposable income will also increase calls for wage rises, and that can push inflation right back up again.

Energy Prices

Brace For Impact Inflation Is About To ExplodeThe most dramatic price rises have been for energy; oil and natural gas are leading the charge, but coal prices are rising too.

Energy price rises are very bad news for inflation, because more expensive energy puts up the price of almost everything else.

More expensive coal, oil and gas means more expensive electricity, because a lot of electricity is generated by burning fuel. Anything that needs coal, oil or gas to manufacture – and that’s a lot of things – becomes more expensive.

Anything you buy in a store also becomes more expensive, because the cost of shipping it from the factory to the store rises (and so does the cost of heating, cooling and lighting the store). The most painful impact for most of us is the extra cost of heating, lighting and air conditioning in our homes.

The bad news is that, while inflation is already at dangerous levels, it looks like it could get a lot higher.

What’s Coming?

Many analysts are predicting that inflation will soon peak, then start to fall. However there are some real dangers ahead. The big one is the EU’s energy policy.

The European bloc plans to ban imports of Russian oil by the end of the year. That will reduce Russia’s exports – and the amount of oil on the global market – significantly, at the same time as the EU starts looking for new suppliers to replace Russian oil.

Oil prices are set to rise sharply. Right now a barrel of Brent crude is selling for $107, but JP Morgan are predicting it could rocket to $380. If you think gas prices are bad now, wait and see what they’re like when oil is nearly four times the current price.

We’ve already looked at all the reasons high oil prices push up inflation. The EU ban could blow up the whole economy. If oil goes to $380 a barrel the price of gasoline could easily double – and the increase in transport costs would drive inflation through the roof.

It’s already running at over twice economists’ predictions for this year, which ran from 1.69% to 4.3%. It could easily double again. If that happens it could trigger an economic apocalypse; after a certain point inflation can start to feed on itself.

Higher prices make demands for higher wages irresistible, and higher wages increase production, transport and retail costs, pushing prices even higher. Usually the cycle only ends when the economy tips into recession, or a full-on economic crash.

Unless the Biden administration can suddenly find a miracle cure for the growing problem things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Collapse Won’t Just Reset Society, It Will Destroy It

Guest Post By Brittany Smith and Joseph Wayne Smith, Department of Psychology, University of Adelaide, South Australia


The collapse of techno-industrial civilization is likely to occur on the present business-as-usual mode of social functioning, probably by 2030, but there are scenarios where it could be before Christmas 2022, if the West and Russia slide into nuclear war; that is our position, supported here. This article is a response to Adam Van Buskirk’s paper “Collapse Won’t Reset Society” (Van Buskirk, 2022), who argues that collapse does not lead to the Mad Max/zombie apocalypse scenario, even in the case of all-out nuclear war. We could not disagree more; hence this response. But the Van Buskirk article is typical of “normie” responses to the confrontation with civilizational collapse, so it is instructive to critique his article as a sample of a general pattern of thought. Indeed, the senior member of this duo was reminded of the famous record album cover by the English rock group Super Tramp, Crisis, What Crisis? (1975), featuring a guy laying back relaxing in a deck chair, under an umbrella, with chaos and destruction all around him. He is oblivion to the dark fate that is rushing to engulf him. Most people, including academics and general members of the chattering class, are like that guy in the deck chair.

According to Van Buskirk “collapse” (a term which will need to be explicated below) and “the threat of imminent destruction” is a “thrilling possibility” to some people from both progressive and conservative groups, including “backwoods fundamentalists, deep green radicals, apocalyptic cults, and pessimistic online doomers.” That is indeed true, with “collapse” being a hot topic on YouTube, discussed daily at sites such as Canadian Prepper, The Angry Prepper, The Prepared Homestead, Ice Age Farmer and The Modern Survivalist (“Ferfal”), to name but a few. This selection, by the way, is highly racially diverse, so doomsday is not an exclusive preoccupation of “Whiteness.”

Van Buskirk is also correct, in our opinion, to see many, who often express their frustration at chat sites, as looking forward to the destruction of a social order where they are at the bottom of the wheelie bin and devalued. The intellectualization of this must be anarcho-primitivism which sees techno-industrial society as destructive to human community and the environment and maintains that collapse is needed to save both humanity and nature (Jensen, 2018; Zerzan, 2002).

Van Buskirk argues that humanity has seen both natural and human-caused disastrous numerous times in the past. He does not mention this example, but perhaps the most dramatic case of humanity dodging a giant bullet occurred 70,000 years ago when a climate change-induced mega-drought almost led to human extinction, with world population numbers crashing to as little as 2,000 (Behar et al., 2008).

Here’s The Harsh Reality: Today, The Biggest Risk For Global Catastrophe Isn’t What It Was 50 Years Ago…

This presentation PROOVES WITHOUT DOUBT that America is in for a major fight that will put you and your family in the firing line, literally… So make sure you watch this presentation while it’s still online…

Van Buskirk points out that the “Black Death,” (a form of bubonic plague pandemic) in Europe and Asia during the 14th century killed, according to some estimates, over 50 million people, between 30 and 50 percent of the population of the regions. Yet despite this, there was business-as-usual as far as possible. The English law courts and universities experienced only minimal disruption. The state did not collapse, there was no widespread anarchy as depicted in contemporary zombie apocalypse fiction, such as The Walking Dead. Society did not collapse. Van Buskirk is correct; but this is not a case of societal, let alone civilization collapse at all as he shows that there was no such collapse. Certainly, it was a situation of social crisis, as COVID-19 has been, but humans adapted and survived, something Annalee Newitz illustrates in Scatter, Adapt, and Remember (2014), as humans have done remarkably well as “whether the disaster is caused by humans or by nature, it is inevitable” (Newitz, 2014, p. 1).

Still, the Black Death impacted upon a pre-modern Europe which was much more decentralized than contemporary Europe, and it was not based upon a mass technological society, where basic life support mechanisms (food supply by the “just-in-time” system, energy, water, and sewers) were dependent upon a vast number of technicians keeping everything ticking over. There is opinion that another Black Death with a death rate of 30-50 percent would collapse techno-industrial society and if the infection/death ratio of the Black Death or the Spanish Flu was higher, some believe that the human race would have become extinct (Smith, 1998). However, let us not quibble about such numbers; in the discussion below we consider a plausible threat which could reduce a population by 90 percent, and that is surely enough to “collapse” any society in a sense to be defined.

Van Buskirk gives a fascinating account of the destruction (in part) of Nazi Germany, and its reconstruction. Interestingly enough firebombing did not destroy all the paperwork, and the bureaucracy continued in Allied-occupied Germany which in 1949 became the Federal Republic of Germany. Even foreign veterans got their pensions. Again, this is not a case of “collapse,” at least beyond the short term, as while most of Germany was bombed, it was rebuilt by the Allies and the state was reconstructed by them.

Van Buskirk finally considers the nuclear exchange scenario, and he says that the US government (no references given) predicts a death toll of around 13 to 34 million from a nuclear exchange involving 3,000 warheads. Van Buskirk believes that even with the kick-on effects of infrastructure breakdown and famine, the death toll would probably only be 10-20 percent of the total population. We challenge this cozy optimism in the discussion below.


There has been intellectual interest in the rise and fall of civilizations at least from the time of Plato (428-347 B.C.) and other ancient Greek philosophers who speculated about various ages, and lost Atlantis. The issue was discussed in other cultures as well, including the Arabic and Chinese (Servigne & Stevens, 2020) and thus has been of perennial interest to thinkers. Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) in his treatise, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ([1776], 2003), outlined the forces leading to the fall of the Roman empire, if not “collapse.” The Roman Empire covered 1.9 million square miles in 390 AD, but by 395 it fell to 770,000 square miles and by 476 AD, zero (Kemp, 2019). Rome was sacked by the Visigoths in 410 and Vandals in 455 (Heather, 2010). Ancient Rome had engaged in imperial expansion with a vast army needed to maintain its empire, and experienced expanding costs and rising inflation. There was a subdivision of provinces with bureaucracies that were also an economic drain. Rome thus was weakened economically, ideologically and culturally, and was vulnerable in the end to barbarian assault.

The field of collapseology (Servigne & Stevens, 2020) tends to adopt a definition of “civilization” along the lines of “society with agriculture, multiple cities, military dominance in its geographical region and a continuous political structure” (Kemp, 2019). Civilizations have functional cities, concentrated settlements with “political consolidation, economic specialization, social stratification, some sort of monumental architecture, and a flowering of artistic and intellectual endeavors” (Price, 315). “Collapse is the breakdown of civilization,” a rapid and enduring loss of population, identity and socio-economic complexity. Public services crumble and disorder ensues as government loses control of its monopoly on violence” (Kemp, 2019, Middleton, 2017). A “Dark Age” may follow this loss of socio-political complexity with frequent violence in the struggle for survival (Widdowson, 2001). The average lifespan of civilizations, according to Kemp’s study, is 336 years (Kemp, 2019). Some civilizations eventually recover and rebuild, such as China (Newitz, 2014) or evolve into something new, such as Europe (Heather, 2010), but others faced permanent collapse, often with a violent ending, such Easter Island, where resource depletion ultimately led to the people having no wood to build boats to escape the island and they turned upon each other in warfare (Diamond, 1991, p. 296-297). Arguably, contemporary examples of state failure have occurred in the horn of Africa where the rule of law became replaced by the rule of the warlord (Kaplan, 2002).

Thus, contrary to Van Buskirk, states are not immortal and can, and have collapsed. Oswald Spengler in The Decline of West (Spengler, 1926) saw all civilizations including the West subject to the rise and fall, or life and death, a “waxing and waning of organic farms (Spengler, 1926, p. 22). The central thesis, that social entities such as civilizations are “organic forms” was a popular idea at a time when metaphysical reasoning was taken particularly seriously in Germany, but today in our postmodern world this sort of philosophy has fallen on cognitive hard times with a more “scientific” empirical approach to matters being the norm (Smith, 1988).

Arnold Toynbee, in A Study of History (Toynbee, 1949) agreed with Spengler about the rise and fall of all civilizations, seeing this in general coming from the diminishing creative power to solve problems, resulting in a lack of faith and trust of the majority of people in their leaders, and a breakdown of social unity in society as a whole (Toynbee, 1949, p. 246). Sounds familiar! Toynbee compares the breakdown and collapse of societies and civilizations to that of climbers who fall to their death (Toynbee, 1949, p. 245). Unlike with Spengler, the breakdown comes internally, with major challenges that failed to be answered and problems solved.

The problem “receives some tardy and imperfect answer or else brings about the destruction of the society (Toynbee, 1949, p. 364). This is a form of social suicide and self-destruction. A development of this “failure to rise to the challenge of the times, and adequately handle disaster especially regarding the ecological crisis (discussed shortly) has been made by Jared Diamond in Collapse (Diamond, 2005) and Ferguson in Doom (Ferguson, 2022).

A related school of thought in collapseology is that internal factors result in a drift to failure (Dekker, 2011). Joseph Tainter, The Collapse of Complex Societies (Tainter, 1988) sees social collapse as arising from the law of diminishing returns. Increased complexity has increased costs per capita and “[a]t some point in the evolution of a society, continued investment in complexity as a problem-solving strategy yields a declining marginal return” (Tainter, 1988, p. 119-120). Tainter’s work was featured in a cover story edition of New Scientist, April 5, 2008: “The collapse of civilization: It’s more precarious than we realized” (MacKenzie, 2008) and has been developed further (Bardi, 2020; Bardi, Falsini & Perissi, 2018). However, the idea that complex systems are vulnerable to breakdown was argued for earlier by Roberto Vacca in The Coming Dark Age (Vacca, 1973): “our great technological systems of human organization and association are continuously outgrowing ordered control; they are now reaching critical dimensions of instability” (Brunk, 2002; Vacca, 1973, p. 4).

These schools of collapseology are not necessarily inconsistent, since a holistic account would propose that there are both internal and external forces producing collapse so that “synchronous failure” (Homer-Dixon, 2008) would arise from the converging and compounding crises (Steffen & Griggs, 2014) that humanity faces, such as all aspects of the ecological/environmental crisis from soil erosion, water quality and quantity depletion, biodiversity destruction,  especially climate change (Collins, 2010; Dilworth, 2009; Kemp, 2019; Kunstler, 2006; Montgomery, 2012; Nyborg, 2012; Ophuls, 2012; Taylor, 2020), leading to a collapse of techno-industrial civilization (Greer, 2016; Orlos, 2013).

Some, such as Umair Haque (journalist) see this process of process of ecologically-based civilization collapse occurring now, but “some of us just don’t know it yet” (Haque, 2022), a view also taken by Near-Term-Human-Extinction proponent Guy McPherson (McPherson, 2013).

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Paul and Anne Ehrlich put the odds of avoiding a starvation-driven collapse of civilization due to a perfect storm of environmental problems arising from over-population and over-consumption at just 10 percent (Ehrlich & Ehrlich, 2013). While the Ehrlich’s have been wrong before in their predictions, this time, unfortunately, on the present business-as-usual scenario of growing fossil fuel use, continuous economic and resource depletion, they may be right. Graham Turner (2012) in a survey of the same environmental variables, concluded that the limits to growth have already occurred and that ecological overshoot to collapse (evidenced by environmental destruction) is already occurring (Turner, 2012). Motesharrei et al., using the HANDY computer model based upon a predator-prey model with humans as “predator” and nature as “prey” concluded that with economic stratification and unconstrained resume use, collapse occurred with decades (Motesharrei, et al., 2014). Herrington (2021) using 2009 data applied to the model of the world economy, used in D. H. Meadows et al., The Limits to Growth (1972) and found that in a business-as-usual scenario of experimental economic growth and intense fossil fuel use, a collapse of global civilization would occur around 2040, long before the Meadows et al. (1972) prediction of a collapse by the mid-to-late 21st century. This conclusion is supported by other research (Abegão, 2011, Bradshaw et al., 2021; Global Resource Observatory, 2014; King & Jones, 2021; Ripple et al., 2021).

Thus, contrary to Van Buskirk, our modern techno-industrial is not immune to collapse. While the environmental threats may result in a long-drawn-out death throe, these are scenarios of a rapid collapse, with survivors facing a world as grim as any portrayed in zombie apocalypse films.


According to George Soros speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, May 2022, the Ukraine invasion “may have been the beginning of the third world war and our civilization may not survive it” (Elliott, 2022). Soros is not the only leading financier to be concerned about mass death arising from a possible third world war; financial cycle expert Charles Nenner sees a war cycle beginning in 2023, like World War I  bigger, with one-third of the world’s population, more than 2.5 billion people perishing (Miami Standard News Staff, 2022).

In contrast to these “pessimists” Van Buskirk (2022) quotes U.S. government estimates of an estimated death toll of 13-34 million people for a nuclear exchange of 3,000 warheads, and a die-off of 10-20 percent of the world population from the effects of this, such as infrastructure destruction, disease, famine and nuclear winter. However, these figures are open to challenge, vast under-estimates, especially the death toll from global famine from nuclear winter (Toon, 2007).

For example, a study by International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and Physicians for Social Responsibility (Helford, 2013) modelled a limited nuclear war between India and Pakistan and found that this alone would kill up to two billion people by nuclear winter crushing world food production. This conclusion is supported by more recent computer simulations, which indicate that even a limited nuclear war between two powers, such as NATO and Russia, or India and Pakistan, could lead to a “Nuclear Ice Age” lasting thousands of years. Crop failure, the crash of biodiversity, including marine algae, the basis of the marine food chain, will result in global famine and a vast die-off of humans. The exact figure is difficult to calculate since the “Nuclear Ice Age” would collapse techno-industrial society which is ill-prepared for such a mega-disaster (Harrison et al., 2022).

Global nuclear war is likely to involve the use of the explosion of high-attitude nuclear bombs to produce a powerful electromagnetic pulse that would collapse the grid and fry most unprotected electronics (Hay & Pry, 2022). Dr. Peter Pry, Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, is a leading expert on EMP attacks. He has noted that Chinese military doctrine has the notion of “Total Information Warfare,” blackout warfare (Pry, 2021) with EMP attacks taking central stage (Pry, 2020, p. 1) and has Super-EMP weapons that can be readily used in hypersonic missiles (Conca, 2020; Pry, 2020, p. 6). In a recent report, Iran: EMP Threat (Pry, 2022), Dr Pry details how the Islamic Republic of Iran also posed an immediate EMP threat. Official Iran military textbooks detail using EMP attacks against the United States. Iran has hundreds of medium-range missiles that could in principle be armed with a nuclear warhead (perhaps given by North Korea, assuming it already does not have nuclear bombs). But, Pry points out, disabling only 9 of the 2,000 US EHV transformer substations would result in a cascading failure and collapse of the US power grid. This could also be done without nuclear bombs, using high-power microwave devices in trucks to attack transforms and substations. Pry calculates that 30 such trucks could attack 880 substations in 24 hours, collapsing the grid (Pry, 2022, p. 19, Smith, 2014).

Apart from a weapons-based EMP attack there is also the threat of intense coronal mass ejections (EMFS) from the sun. The 1859 Carrington Event causal telegraph lines to catch on fire and the aurora borealis was so bright that people in Cuba could read newspapers outside, prior to dawn (National Academy of Sciences, 2008). On 23 July, 2012 a CME almost as powerful as the Carrington Event narrowly missed the Earth. It had the energy of a billion hydrogen bombs and would have disabled any device that plugged into a wall socket according to NASA (Phillips, 2014). A conservative estimate is that it could take 4-10 years to repair the damage done by a Carrington Event today (National Academy of Sciences, 2008, p. 77). CME events occur regularly. On January 30, 2022 a CME burnt up 40 of 49 Star Link satellites; there were radio blackouts from another CME in April 2022 (Mashable News Staff, 2022). The probability of another Carrington Event occurring in the next decade has been estimated to be 12 percent (Riley, 2012), and a CME can strike earth without warning (Clark, 2022).

A worst-case scenario from a New Carrington Event is a grid-down scenario where once nuclear reactors back-up generators run out of fuel (trucks being out of operation), the water covering the spent fuel rods in the fuel ponds will boil away. This will lead to meltdowns in 450 nuclear reactors across the world, 450 Chernobyls resulting in widespread contamination of most of the planet (Padala, 2011; Stein, 2012) and a great die-off. But a die-off of how many?


According to Ambassador R. James Woolsey, former Director of US Central Intelligence, a EMP occurrence of the Carrington Event level, whether by warfare or from the sun, could “collapse electric grids and life-sustaining critical infrastructure worldwide, putting at risk the lives of billions” (Woolsey, 2015, p. 4). The EMP would cripple, if not destroy all “critical infrastructure” (Pry, 2022, p. 23) and utility workers may not even go to work for fear of harm to their families from civil chaos as happened to some degree with Hurricane Katrina (Pry, 2022, p. 23). The EMP Commissioner concluded that such a catastrophe could, in the worst-case scenario, lead to 90 percent of the US population perishing from disease, starvation and social breakdown (Woolsey & Pry, 2014). As Pry has said:

“Everything is in blackout and nothing works. The EMP sparks widespread fires, explosions, all kinds of industrial accidents. Firestorms rage in cities and forests. Toxic clouds pollute the air and chemical spills poison already polluted lakes and rivers. In seven days, the over 100 nuclear power reactors run out of emergency power and go Fukushima, spreading radioactive plumes over the most populous half of the United States. There is not even any drinking water and the national food supply in regional warehouses begins to spoil in three days. There was only enough food to feed 320 million people for 30 days anyway” (Bedard, 2019).

In this context of clear social collapse, and civilizational collapse, if this is global, there is most unlikely to be much of the “milk of human kindness” there as depicted by Rebecca Solnit in A Paradise Built in Hell (Solnit, 2010). It is more likely to be like the Hobbesian battle for survival as depicted by Selco Begovic in The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival (Begovic, 2018). Begovic gives his personal experiences of a city under siege during the Balkan War of the 1990s. Violence became a way of life, with daylight activities dangerous because of snipers. People were tortured by invading gangs searching for resources and some burnt alive. No milk of kindness here. Some theorists see a drift to discord and violence leading to social collapse regardless of threats such as EMP occurrences (Turchin, 2016).

In conclusion, modern techno-industrial civilization is fragile and not immune to collapse, and many collapsologists believe that the process is now underway. Certainly, the present threat of nuclear war could lead to the dire scenarios depicted in this paper and humanity should do what it is able to avoid the lethal war that it seems to be at present blindly tumbling towards.

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Originally published via Armageddon Prose:


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